Chapter 6

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Mary, the mother of Jesus asked her son,
"Jesus, what will happen to the lost souls?"

Jesus answered," lost are not abondoned,they can inherit the kingdom of God but they need to cleanse first in furnace of fire."

Andrew heard it and didn't understand what the lost soul means so he asked,

"Rabbi, what is lost soul?"

Jesus replied, "lost souls are souls who doesn't have a time for the kingdom of God. They are into the world not of God."

Mary Magdalene asked, "how can I inherit the kingdom of God?"

Jesus answered, " Any one can inherit the kingdom of God. It is because God is willing to accept His children."

Simon Peter, "how about the gentiles?"

Jesus answered, "Gentiles can inherit the kingdom of God by adopting the godly principles by God the Father. He is the King of Heaven and earth and willing to accept sinners."

Mary,the mother of Jesus said, "Repentance is a must."

Jesus followed up what his mother said, "Repentance is needed to all the people. First for the people Israel, second for all the gentiles."

After the conversation Jesus and his apostles went up to the mountains and pray.

While walking Jesus pray to the Father.

"Lord, My Father, Give glory to your name. As you glorify your Son, Jesus. I am a lamb who takes away the sins of the world. You are the gardener and I am the farmer. I harvest the fruits and separate the good and the bad fruits."

Simon Peter asked again, "rabbi, when will the kingdom of God come?"

Jesus answered,"Only God,the Father knows the time and year."

Bartholomew asked,"what will I do to achieve the kingdom of heaven?"

Jesus said, "the kingdom of heaven is like a dove that flies because a man let him fly."

Mary,the mother of Jesus said," the kingdom of heaven is like my son, Jesus."

Mary Magdalene, "what is that mean mother?"

Mary, mother of Jesus said, "Jesus,is my son and the Father glorify him as His son."

Jesus replied, "I am the vine and you are the branches."

Simon Peter said, "what will I do?"

Jesus said, "Repentance is needed. Turn your heart to God the Almighty Father and he will listen to you."

Mary, the mother of Jesus replied,"The Father to your heart's desire."

As they walked by, some leper approach him and said,"Jesus, please heal me.."

Jesus touched his legs and heal him.

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