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God the Father is listening in heaven on what Jesus His has said while that the demons on earth is distibilizing.

They are planning to destroy the kingdom.

Satan is planning to destroy the kingdom while the people is innocent of what's happening in their field.

Holy Angels will intervened the kingdom so it will be established.

The souls are in weary for their sins is many.

The prophets are crying to forgive the sins of men.

Jesus is calmed but stronger than the demons.

His mother Mary is continue praying to God,the Almighty Father.

The Holy Spirit is descended to the Blessed Virgin Mary the mother of God.

Jesus pray at the top of the mountain in Israel after he prayed he go to his disciples.

"Rabbi, what is the kingdom of God?" Simon Peter,

"The kingdom of God is like an eagle that fly so high. The eagle is flying like a free bird but his nest is on top of the three. His children are in his nest while he is flying for he seek food for himself and his children. The eagle is also flying at the top of the see and landed on a water. He lifted his wings to fly." Jesus,

"What is that mean, Lord?" James, the apostles.

"The kingdom of God is the eagle that fly too high for his children is God's kingdom is at hand. He will lift his kingdom and the world will see it." Jesus,

"How can we see the kingdom of God?" Mark,

"The kingdom of God is like a bird that feeds his children and fly too high." Jesus,

"Kingdom, where is the kingdom of God?" Judas Maccabeus,

"The kingdom of God is at your faith." Jesus,

"Faith, Lord. How ?" Andrew,

"Faith,is when you pray to Almighty God and Father." Jesus,

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