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Three days had passed since the creatures had emerged, and there was no change. Pezzy didn't know how many of those creatures there were roaming, but the military had been driving down the streets and gunfire was a near constant sound.

Their biggest issue was food at the moment. They'd made the pizza they'd picked up last the whole three days, and they did have some snacks they'd bought the first night they had landed in San Diego. But with 10 grown men, it was running low.

They were all piled into Grizzy's and Puffers room at the moment, just lazing around. The fear was still there, but boredom had settled in too. There was only so many games they could play, and even Pezzy was getting cabin fever.

"We need to figure out the food situation," Tyler said, looking over what they had in the room. "What can we do? It's not like we can order in, and I'm not sure about leaving to find a store," Puffer said and Tyler shrugged.

"I don't know, and that's the problem. But if we don't do something, we're going to run out fast," he said and Pezzy frowned, glancing at Droid.

"There's a gas station like 3 blocks down the road," Matt said slowly, Pezzy looking at him confused. "I'm fast, I can take a backpack and run down there, get whatever I can, and come back."

"Fuck that, you're not going out there alone dumbass," Smii7y said flatly, Matt glaring at him. "Well what do you think we can do? It's our only option right now, or we'll starve to death before those things get us," he shot back and Smii7y didn't say anything, though his glower didn't lessen.

"I'll go with him, I'm quick too," Scotty said and Anthony looked at him worriedly. "We'll be fine. It's three blocks, and we can carry more with two people so we won't have to make another trip. It's also the middle of the day, I've noticed those things move less during the day."

Matt nodded and Tyler bit his lip, looking at the two. "I don't like this, I don't want you two risking your lives like this," he said and Matt shrugged. "It's either that or starve, and I don't want any of us dying like that," he said and Pezzy glanced at Droid.

"I'll go too," he said and Droid shot his eyes to him, shaking his head rapidly. "Fuck no man, you're not going out there," he snapped and Pezzy frowned at him.

"I'm quick, and I've got a good arm. Those things follow sound and large objects, so if I throw something, I can distract anything if needed long enough for us to hide," he said and Droid shook his head again.

"I'll be fine, Droid, I promise. We all will, it's three blocks. That's a 5 minute walk, and with three of us we can load up to hide out for at least two weeks," he insisted and Droid sighed angrily.

Pezzy stood, ignoring his friends glares. "I'm going to go get my backpack, I'll meet you two in the hall," he said to Matt and Scotty, who nodded determined even as Matt gave him a concerned look.

Pezzy went to grab his bag, taking a moment to take a deep breath. He had no idea why he volunteered, he didn't do things like this. He was a pussy when it came to horror things, he knew it, but his friends needed food and he wasn't going to sit aside and let Matt and Scotty risk their lives alone.

He emptied out his bag of everything, making sure his phone was on silent and slipped it into his pocket with his wallet. He left the room, finding Matt and Scotty standing there with their own backpacks.

"Let's go, we left them arguing about stopping us," Matt said quietly and Pezzy nodded, glancing at the door everyone was behind before following the two down the hall.

They took the stairs, taking a moment in the lobby to look outside. The doors were closed, but the glass broken. Pezzys stomach clenched, but he tensed his spine and followed Matt and Scotty to the entrance.

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