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New Story! This was originally a TØP AU ngl, but I hadn't touched it in like 6 years so I'm changing it to Frouse lol

Just the disclaimers, this is for fun. I don't ship the boys irl at all, their friendships are just some of the best things in the world.  This will eventually be a Drezzy with small hints of Puffer/Grizzy and idk, probably hints of Krii7y.

The warnings: this will have lots of violence, character death, depressing thoughts, and gun violence.

If you're someone who has resemblance in this story, go away *squints*. For everyone else, I hope you enjoy!



The plane touched down, Pezzy yawning as he put his headphones away. "Damn, why did that feel longer than usual," Droid complained, putting his arms up as he stretched his back.

"No fucking clue, but thank God it's over. Smii7y and John are already at the hotel aren't they?" Pezzy asked curiously and Droid checked his phone.

"Yep, along with Matt and Wildcat. They said Panda and fourzer0seven should get there before dinner," he said and Pezzy nodded, yawning again as he waited for the plane to taxi in and open the doors.

They were all in San Diego for TwitchCon, ready to bullshit around and meet some fans. They'd all planned to meet in Wildcat's room that night for some drinks and pizza, chilling before the convention started the next day.

Getting off the plane, getting their luggage and getting into the uber took nearly an hour, and Pezzy was ready to collapse and pass out by time they finally reached the hotel. Unfortunately, it was only 2pm, and he knew there was no way his friends would let him sleep.

"Hey guys!" The cheerfully familiar voice of Smii7y came as soon as they walked out of the elevator, the Canadian hurrying over with John and Matt behind him. Matt pulled Grizzy and Puffer into tight hugs, Smii7y high fiving Pezzy while John gave Droid a fist bump.

"You look half dead Pezzy," Smii7y commented as he eyed Pezzy, the older making a face at him. "Thanks man, I appreciate it," he said half joking and Smii7y grinned.

"My pleasure, what room are you two in?" He asked Pezzy and Droid, Puffer and Grizzy having already walked down the hall with Matt to their own room.

"413," Droid said after checking the keys, Smii7y nodding. "Sick, we're in 415. Tyler's is 414, so you two are next to us and across the hall from him. Matt, John and I are sharing, Tyler and Anthony and Scotty in another," he explained and Pezzy nodded, knowing that within an hour all that information would be out of his head.

Smii7y and John followed the two into their room, Pezzy claiming the bed closest to the window. Droid made a face but didn't argue, knowing that more often than not Pezzy got the window bed, he slept better in it.

Smii7y sprawled out onto Pezzys bed, John falling facedown perpendicular on Droid's. "Wow guys, it's almost as if you both didn't have your own beds and your own room," Pezzy deadpanned, Smii7y winking at him.

Pezzy rolled his eyes and opened his suitcase, pulling out a hairbrush, his gel and some clean clothes more suited for hanging in town. "I'm gonna take a shower, maybe it'll wake me up some after that stupid ass trip," he announced, not waiting for any responses as he headed into the bathroom.

Thankfully, it worked and by time he stepped out 30 minutes later, he was wide awake and ready for the day. Smii7y and Kryoz were gone, but Droid was sprawled out on his bed playing on his phone.

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