Lily's First Night (End)

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Lily peeked into Miu's room, since her door was open. Miu's back was turned to Lily, and she was tinkering with an invention of hers, putting all of her attention into it. Lily was just going to walk up to Miu, but she suddenly had a better idea.

Lily slowly crept up behind Miu, and, once she got close enough...

"HI, MIU!" Lily said loudly.

Miu jumped and whirled around with a shocked and angry look on her face.

"What the FUUUUUdge, Lily?!" Miu spat, remembering that Kaede asked Miu to not say any bad words in front of Lily. "Ya scared the...crap outta me!"

"Sorry, sorry! I've never really snuck on someone like that before. In case you couldn't tell, I'm far from scary when you know I'm coming at you." Lily apologized.

"Well, whadda ya want? Can't you see that me and my golden brain are at work here?" Miu asked.

"I was wondering if you could maybe invent me something?" Lily requested.

"Maybe. What do you want me to make?" Miu asked, always ready to take up an opportunity to make something.

"A night light." Lily answered quietly, blushing with embarrassment. "I forgot to pack mine back at home. Can you do that?"

"BWA-HAHAHAHAA! You bet your little hills, I can!" Miu cackled. "Shiiiift, this is gonna be ducking easy!"

"Ooooh, thank you, Miu! You're the best!" Lily squealed with gratitude.

"What else is new?" Miu smiled. "Now FLIP OFF, ya pink...beach!"

"What's wrong with wearing pink?!" Lily asked. "You're wearing pink too, you dummy!"

"Heeeeee!" Miu whimpered. "W-what the heck...? When did you get all s-snappy?"

Lily suddenly gasped, putting her hand to her mouth.

"Oh, my! I'm so sorry, Miu! That was really rude of me! I don't usually talk like that, I...." Lily apologized.

"You're o-ok, I guess." Miu mumbled.

"I'll leave now. I'm so sorry." Lily apologized one more time before running out of Miu's room.

Lily ran back to her room, flopping face first on her bed.

"What's going on with me?" Lily asked herself. "That was so mean...I can't believe I said that!"

As Lily was asking herself this, she suddenly got a flashback of her with her parents.

Lily was standing in front of her parents, both of them looking down on her with anger.

"That is not how a proper young lady acts, Lily!" Her mother scolded.

"But Mom! All I said was-" Lily tried to say before getting cut off.

"ENOUGH!" Her dad roared, making Lily shrink in fear. "You will LISTEN and OBEY your mother! NEVER talk back or argue with us again, Lily. We know what's best for you and it will stay that way until you're older! But it's obvious that you can't comprehend that. I think we should teach you a lesson again."

"N-no! Please!" Lily begged.

Her father slapped her across the face, making Lily fall to the ground.

"Did I just hear you try to defy us?" Her father asked, picking her up off the ground by her arm.

"Disgraceful." Her mother shook her head. "Why can't you get it through your head that defying and talking back to us will get you in trouble?"

The Lil' Ultimate At the Front DoorDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora