Chapter 8: I am NOT fine, I am PANICKING.

Start from the beginning

Dawn headed into the kitchen, noticing a note on the table, alongside two plates of food. She smiled; this was definitely Blossom and Eight's work. The note's handwriting was unique to Blossom; as well as the way the food was arranged on the plate to look stunning. Plus, the drinks were a favorite of Dawn's, even if it was an odd one.

Sure, it didn't go with the pancakes necessarily, but Dawn wasn't known for being normal. Her favorite drink, prepared by Blossom, was lavender lemonade. In words, it sounded like drinking a grandma's perfume. In reality, it was a really good blend of lemony tang and lavender sweetness. Don't knock it until you try it.

Outer grinned. Looked like everyone had the same idea. He picked up the note, clearing his throat as he read it out loud to Dawn. She was too busy stuffing her face with Eight's signature strawberry pancakes to read it herself.

"Hey Dawn! We've already headed to the venue to get stuff set up. Plus, we all think you'll benefit from at least a little bit of alone time today. We know how much of a struggle it would be to get caught up in this before you have a chance to charge your social battery. I hope you enjoy the breakfast we made! (Tsunami actually helped make the lemonade this time. I have a feeling this is her way of showing her affection.) Love, Your fave dynamic duo, Blossom and Eight."

Outer placed the note down, pulling his own plate and cup over before Dawn could steal them from him. He may want her to be happy, but he doubted being starving in a car for about two hours would help him very much in conversation. Dawn visibly brightened at the note, and she looked at her glass of lemonade with a level of fondness knowing her sister had done something so out of character for her.

The two finished their meal in silence, both silently preparing for the long day ahead. Dawn absentmindedly wondered if Ccino would take charge in making sure all the decor was up to standard. He always had an eye for interior design and such, so it wouldn't be a surprise. Dawn finished and placed her plate in the sink neatly.

She gestured for Outer to hand her his dishes, and he quickly ate what was left before handing her his dishes and silverware. She quickly washed them off and placed them neatly in the dishwasher. She frowned slightly as she noticed that her family had, once again, put their stuff in haphazardly. She hoped they'd get the hang of it with her gone, or they'd have a problem soon enough.

Outer nodded and silently walked out to the car lot with her. He grabbed the keys for a small blue convertible. Dawn may have access to all of the nice things she could want, but she never really got to use them. Thus, instead of choosing a car for status, she chose one that reminded her of her favorite books and movies.

She slid into the passenger seat as Outer sat down and started the car. He noticed that she had begun fidgeting with the edge of her sleeve. He sighed and smiled slightly. He really couldn't blame her; a wedding day is nerve wracking even when you know who the other spouse is. In her case, it was a huge gamble.

"Hey, try not to worry about it too much, okay? I've briefly met Dream before; if he thought someone would be miserable married to his brother, he wouldn't arrange a marriage. Your future brother-in-law is a genuinely good guy, and he's the one behind this."

Dawn seemed to relax a little, but she was still tense. As the car pulled out onto the road, she ran her fingers through her hair. She finally sighed and spoke up, glancing at Outer nervously.

"What if he's fine, and I mess it all up? I've never really had friends before, much less ones who aren't hired. I've never even dated someone, and now I'm supposed to be married? I don't know how people are supposed to act, especially not when all eyes are on them. I've been too sheltered. What if he doesn't like me and calls it all off?"

Outer gripped the steering wheel tightly. He reached over and lightly squeezed Dawn's shoulder, keeping his eye on the road. He spoke, his voice laced with care and concern for his dear friend.

"Dawn, you'll be fine. You're caring, intelligent, and creative. You get work done even when you're not asked, and take responsibility for doing things even when you have the money to just get someone else to do it for you. Even if you fired me right here today, I would still be one of your best friends. You may be entering this marriage out of mutual convenience, but he's getting a much better deal than he bargained for. Don't try to make yourself perfect for him, if he doesn't like you he doesn't deserve you. You're going to do great; I know you will because if you put your mind to something, you'll complete it."

Dawn smiled softly. She never should have doubted Outer; he didn't treat her the way all the other paid personnel did. He always listened when she rambled, and he always stood by her when times were tough. She really couldn't ask for a better friend. She reached up and squeezed his hand softly.

"Thanks. I- I really needed to hear that today. For whatever it's worth, I couldn't ask for a better bodyguard, chauffeur, or silly friend who wears blue and stars. It's not that you're only those things to me, but I'm grateful for everything you do."

Outer chuckled and returned both hands to the wheel. Dawn tilted her head and looked at him inquiringly. It seemed pretty unprompted; unless somehow that's how Outer was saying he was grateful? He glanced over at her briefly.

"See? That's what makes you such a catch for anyone. You could be a sassy diva like every other rich woman, thriving on all the attention you get alongside all the riches. Instead, you're being grateful and sweet to your bodyguard. I may be your friend, but a lot of wealthy people would never even become friends with their bodyguard in the first place. So yeah, really sweet. Don't sweat."

Dawn rolled her eyes and smiled, leaning against the middle console. She stared out the window, enjoying the sights of nature passing by. Suddenly she gasped, startling Outer. He worriedly glanced over to make sure everything was okay.

"What is it? Did you get hurt? Are you okay?"

Dawn shook her head. She was staring back, as if they had just passed the most beautiful thing in the whole entire world. Outer shook it off. He sat and waited for a response. Soon enough, Dawn turned around, the biggest grin plastered on her face.

"Outer! There are horses out here!"


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