iii. not so incognito

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"come on barbie , let's go party."


we're all sat on the porch of the chateau , trying to figure out what the FUCK to do.

"we need to have complete and total amnesia." pope says.

"actually , pope's right for once. we deny this , i get to keep the money. so we're fuckin' denying it." jj says , with pope rolling his eyes.

"guys , we can't keep that money." kie says.

"kiara , respectfully , we don't all live in a mansion with a holiday home in ibiza." i say.

"you and your unlimited data plans." jj adds.

"we have to pass it off to lana grubbs. otherwise it's bad karma." kie insists.

"bad karma to be implicated in a felony too." pope chimes in.

"think about it pope. how does a marina rat who's never had more than 50 bucks in his pocket cop a brand new grady-white ?" john b asks.

"prostitution." pope says drily.

"square groupers , bro." jj says.

"right , flying under the radar , no surveillance. they don't do that shit during a hurricane. what does that mean ? jj ?"

"they were straight smugglin'." jj says.

john b nods and slaps his knee. "smugglin'. and .. i guarantee there's a serious amount of contraband laying in that wreck. we just gotta get to it."

"hell yeah !" jj whoops.

"wait , wait , wait. say that is a smuggling ship with illegal contraband inside it..." pope says. "it probably belongs to someone else."

jj shrugs it off. "minor details."

"they could come looking for it and taking it would be catastrophically stupid."

"stupid things have good outcomes all the time , so i say , fuck it." jj smiles.

"until we can get to the boat , let's just lay low." i say.

jj grins. "kegger ?"

i nod. "kegger."


"the boneyard." john b explains. "there's us , the working-class , no good derelicts , of course. the kooks , the rich trust-fund posers. our natural enemies. and finally , the tourons. here for a week on vacation." he smiles and winks. "chum for the sharks."

i can't help but laugh. "wow. there's definitely a hierarchy in outer banks. no one gave two shits in philly."

i see a girl on top of a red buoy , laughing her ass off as people shout at her to get down. kie looks her up and down in disgust. "what is she doing here ?"

"sarah cameron." john b whispers to me. "kook princess. kiara's best friend in ninth grade , to worst enemy in tenth. i work on her dad's boats , so i see her around. she's not that bad , but don't let kie hear you say that."

a boy approaches sarah , still on the buoy. "what are you doing ?" he puts a hand around her waist and pulls her down.

"that's topper. not so pleasant. sarah's 'kook king' boyfriend. total asshole."

i can almost tell just by looking at him. "well , he's got a resting bitch face." i laugh.

me and john b go down to where jj is. he chucks me a beer. "got this for you , since you're not as innocent as you look."

sunkissed ✯ jj maybankHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin