a ray of sunshine

265 7 6

Tw - cussing, yelling and there may be a few spoilers!

Also please don't mind that I Spell lunar's name as "Luner", it's just easier for me to write it that way!

No ships other than Earth and Monty!

🌙 -moon
☀️ - sun
🐊 - monty
🌏 - earth
⭐ - luner
🔲 - puppet
🌓 - ruin
💥 - solar
🍬 - Ollie


"Hey moon!" I called out as I entered the daycare, "hey Moon do you know where-"

"Sun watch out!!!" I hear my brother yell from the balcony, but before I got the chance to react I got hit by a giant beam of light.



"AHHHH!?!-" I hear my brother scream from below, I gave solar, who is right next to me a concerned look before jumping down into the ball pit and rushing towards Sun.

"SUN!?" I called out to him getting more worried when he didn't answer back.

"Sun are you o-...kayyy.." I froze in my sep, staring in absolute shock.

"Moon what what is- oh...." Solar questioned, walking up next to me and having the same stunned reaction.

It was Sun

But he was-

"He's a baby!?!" Solar barked out in Surprise, mf didn't need to interrupt my monologue but yeah, he's correct, sun's a baby.

After a beat of silence just staring at the small tiny sunbot.

Solar was the first to snap out of the shock, carefully walking over to pick up the little confused bot.

But before any of us could do anything

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Sun let out a ear piercing scream, making both me and solar jump back and cover our ears.


I was hanging out with lunar in the theater when all of a sudden-


The scream made both me and lunar jump and panic, and without hesitation I swooped up a lunar, rushed out the theater, flew down the stairs and made in my way to the daycare doors.

"Is everything okay, what happened!?- oh!" I yelled as soon as I entered the daycare, but paused and looked down when I realized the screaming was coming from right below me.

"....who the fu-" Luner whispered but was interrupted by another scream like cry, causing everyone in the room to jump and cover their ears.

"Earth!, oh my God please make him shut up!!" Moon yelled, and without hesitation I sat lunar down on the ground and carefully picked up the crying sunbot.

"Shh...shh, it's okay.." I cooed at the baby, putting him close to my chest and rocking him a little as I held him. I gave Moon a look of confusion, wanting answers.


"Whyyy is there a baby in here?, and why does it look like sun." I asked as I watched my sister settle the crying infant, even though I was pissed at Moon and solar for making a deal with eclipse and lying to everybody.

I needed to keep my cool and focus on the situation at hand.

"So... Me and solar we're testing out a few more gadgets and it accidentally blasted sun." Moon admitted, a bit of shame in his voice.

I paused and looked at them. "Why didn't you TELL ANYONE before hand that y'all were experimenting on shit." I snapped at him, narrowing my eyes and watching as he let's out a sigh.

a ray of sunshineTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang