Hope & Love

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Hope, a gleaming light in the dark
A fire that never dies, a spark
A ray of sunshine breaking through
With every dawn, it's born anew

Love, a gentle and guiding force
Filling us with its endless source
A bond that binds, an unbreakable tie
In its embrace, we soar high

Light, a beacon in the night
Guiding us towards what's right
A path that leads to a brighter day
In its warm glow, we find our way

Hope, Love, and Light entwine
A holy trinity, divine
For where there is hope, there is love
And where there is love, there is light above

Together, they overcome all fears
Wiping away our sorrowful tears
Their power, a force to be reckoned with
In them, we find strength and inner peace

So let us hold on to these three
In times of struggle, they'll set us free
Hope, love, and light will always win
And in their embrace, we'll find joy within.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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