"Ah, Mr. Cooper did you know if this?" She asked to which he let out a sigh and shook his head. "No, but given all of the duffle bags she always randomly comes back with I should've figured." He rubbed the back of his neck, knowing how he must've looked in this situation. The officer looked back and forth at the two before writing that down. "Okay then, I can't say you're house won't get checked but let's just focus on the main issue for now. You left off at giving you friend one of the fireworks to light, did she or Michael know they were illegal?"

Skylar kept talking to blonde officer, choosing to be as honest as she could but not too honest, because she knew they would search Michaels house for any drugs or something if she didn't lie about the giant centipede thing they saw. Meanwhile with Michael, he barely answered any of the questions he was asked and was bouncing his left leg aggressively against the ground. Which upset his parents greatly, not in a bad way, they just knew he was going to have to be in therapy for the rest of his life after this. Almost everything was just muffled yapping in his ears while he held tightly onto the cross clutched in his hands.

"They picked me up, threw me against the wall, and it's a little funny that they didn't touch Michael all because he was already scared. Once I slammed into the wall they grabbed me by the hoodie and threw me onto the ground, putting their foot on my head to keep me down." Skylar lied, it made her feel sick lying about her own strength, she was making her sound weak.

"The other guy was practically crushing Casey while she screamed, I don't really know what happened after that thought. I guess they saw something? Like a car driving by, one of the lights behind a window turning on, a person? I don't know, but they retreated quickly out of the alley. It took a moment for me to process because the douchebag hurt my back and made my head throb. Then Michael finally got up from the ground and ran over to Casey, seeing if she was okay while yelling at me to call an ambulance. Then we basically just waited for you guys to show up." She finished, she didn't have a problem with lying, but when it was about herself she always felt disgusted afterwards.

"Okay," The blonde cop wrote that down. "Did you happen to see even a glimpse of what people looked like?"

"Not really, sure bits of the fire was helpful but they were wearing mostly dark clothing with almost everything but their eyes and parts of their hands uncovered. Black masks, black bandana, black coat, ... Maybe black pants? I don't know."

"Alright." The lady finished writing and closed her notepad. "Thank you for telling me this, I will make sure this reaches the detective as soon as possible, and that those people get out behind solid bars."

"I thought you were the detective?" Skylar said, her brows furrowed and lifted her head up a little to look at her. "Mr. Carnell couldn't make it due to the snow, so he asked me to be his substitute!" She said, putting a hand over her chest with a flattered look on her face after being mistaken for the detective. Skylar just rolled her eyes and laid her head back down. Letting out a scoff while Mr. Cooper just patted her head but barely, thinking he would hurt her as if he still had strength in his boney arms. But that's something Skylar had to be on crack in order to say to him.

"Well I don't really know what to do now, but your son should be put into therapy soon. Maybe have him skip school for today just in case. Otherwise we're gonna do all we can to solve this case and make sure your friend gets justice." One of the other older officers said, Michael's mom glared at him before looking back down at her son. She probably would've hit him for being so stupid to go out and drink alcohol while shooting fireworks. But she remembered when she first experienced something traumatic and leaned down and wrapped her arms around his kid, money was tight but she didn't want him to not get help.

The older officer looked over at the blonde officer and waved his hand towards himself, that somehow got her attention even though she wasn't looking at him at all. She got up and walked towards him while reopening her notepad and showing her notes to him, being really proud of herself regardless that children got hurt.

"Calm down SpongeBob this is serious." He said almost snatching the notepad out of her hands, flipping through the pages to read off where she started writing. She huffed and crossed her arms.
"Want me to get you anything while I'm still here? I doubt they're gonna let an old guy like me stay for long." Mr. Cooper asked with his untoothy smile. "A Toblerone or gummy worms sound nice right about now." Skylar answered which Cooper patted her head again before getting up from the bed. "I'll see what they have from the vending machine."

She smiled as he walked away and stared back up at the ceiling, Michael was practically useless in this bizarre case which was a little understandable. The guy got traumatized so he wouldn't be able to help her figure out what the hell that thing was and possibly avenge Casey till he was okay. So she was on her own with this thing. Looking over at the cops, cringing she looked at the window and could see the sky turning from black into a slight shade of blue.

She liked blue.

Lanta liked blue.
She paused, remembering all of the promises and problems that were left unsaid. She looked away from the window and stared at the ceiling. She wasn't gonna have this now.

A Beast With BeautyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang