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Michael sat there quietly in the given chair across from the hospital bed Skylar was restlessly laying in. Only her spine has been fractured and the doctors said she would just need meds and bed rest. The two hadn't heard any about Casey's case yet.

"...Did you see how much blood she coughed up?" Skylar asked, "Yes." Michael responded. "And the giant worm looking thing that attacked her?"

"All three of us saw, and participated in what happened. It wasn't a hallucination. As much as I wish it was..." Michael muttered the last sentence, his hands clasped together and close to his face. Seemingly the only one that wasn't injured, feeling guilty that he didn't try to stop what happened like Skylar did. Even though she got hurt from it.

"... We're going to get investigated. And unfortunately just like the movies the police won't help us. Like-" Skylar let out a laugh, "a giant worm with a human face and limbs to move around? That's ridiculous!" Michael just watched as she laughed historically, his cross clutched tightly in his hands to where Michael felt something wet leak out of his hands. But was too shook up about the situation to even care for the pain in his hands.

The door to the room opened and Skylar ceased her laughter, Michael looking over and saw Mr. Cooper and Mike's family come in, one of the nurses holding the door open for them. Mr. Cooper was an old guy with warts and a wonky nose, big ears and Mr. Burns hair but white with blue eyes that were losing their color. A long brown coat and green scarf and an old bus boy hat that he took off as he walked over to Skylar laying in the bed. Getting down on one knee, placing his free hand over Skylar's.
Skylar knew he didn't have the ability to have kids of his own, and being an only child in his family she didn't mind when Mr. Cooper would treat her like his own, even though she'd feel pity for him here and then.

Michael's pregnant mom rushed with his dad after her. His mom and dad had a similar skin tone to him, his mom having black Fulani Braids with dark brown eyes and Vitiligo covering half of her face and random parts of her body that was covered by a yellow sleeveless coat and a red hoodie underneath, blue sweatpants and sneakers.
His dad had blue eyes and black hair in a Burst Fade, wearing layered multicolored hoodies and black sweatpants and slippers.

Michael knew he was fucked if he told them what happened, even more seeing that they were busy sleeping when they got the late night phonecall that there son was in the hospital.

"Are you okay!? What the heck happened??" His mom asked first, her hands gripping his shoulders almost shaking him for answers. "Why were you out at night? Do you have any idea what time it is? It's tomorrow!" His dad said, Michael quietly praying for mercy in his head.

"... You know I don't care about what you do and where you go right?" Mr. Cooper asked and Skylar responded. "Yeah, yeah... I know. Just be able to come back. Alive."

"That's right. And... It was certainly an unexpected call."

Skylar stared at him for a second, feeling a little bad yet understanding. "I know, and I'm sorry-"

"There's nothing to be sorry about, not everyone is strong for everything. I shouldn't have expected you to be alright when something happens. ... What happened?" He asked, Skylar turned away facing the ceiling. She knows he's seen a lot by how old he is, but if it was something that crazy yet real, would he even believe it?
"... Would you even believe it if I told you the truth? The story that's gonna be way different from what I'm gonna have to tell the cops?" She asked, Mr. Cooper let out a sigh but as soon as he opened his mouth to speak a new doctor came into the room with a few officers behind him.

"Good news and bad news," Mr. Green said, looking down at a clipboard he had in his hands. Skylar sat up immediately, letting out a pain filled whine, Mr. Cooper tried to lay her back down but she pushed his hand away. "How hurt is she? Is she still alive?" Michael asked, rising to his feet as he stared at the doctor waiting for a response.

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