8 ✧ Comfort

473 17 7

Stellaron Hunters GC (4)

Kafka: Change of plans. We're going to the Luofo instead of Belobog, Himeko's crew is in Belobog we can't go there yet. Sorry Y/n darling for the change of plans so suddenly.

Silver Wolf: woah her tone is super serious, I'll get the ship ready to go. Don't forget to shower Blade

Blade: I shower.

Silver Wolf: yeah right buddy

Silver Wolf is offline

Blade: ...

Kafka: y/n? Are you awake?

Blade: I'll go check on her.

Blade is offline
Kafka is offline

Kafka sat on the bed, her lover still asleep beside her, however, Kafka's focus wasn't on the red head for once. Her focus shifted to Y/n. She began to grow suspicious of her, suspicious perhaps isn't the right term, but she's began to keep a closer eye on her.

After Jing Yuan's message, she needed to make sure Y/n was still the same as usual, that she was still the same loyal puppet who swore her life to the stellaron hunters. Because Kafka recently became more aware of just how useful y/n would be to them. And she was not going to let her escape, she wouldn't lose her to anyone.

First they must take care of Jing Yuan, she figured she'd get Blade to kill him or do it herself. Although she wanted Y/n to do it, she thought her to still be too weak to take him on.

With y/n by her side though, she's sure she can accomplish anything she wants.

"Oh honey you're awake" she bent down and kissed Himeko on the forehead "it's okay sleep a bit longer. I'll go cook you some breakfast" she got up and left the room, silently whispering "I need to check on a certain pair anyway"

Kafka walked to the kitchen as her eyes layed upon a pair. Y/n crying into Blade's chest, his arm around her while his hand rubbed circles on her back, tapping her lightly. He and Kafka locked eyes for a split second, but she decided not to intervene. He picked y/n up and took her to his room, leaving Kafka alone in the kitchen, preparing the breakfast for her lover.

She looked sideways at the pair leaving, her eyes darkened. She ought to find out what made y/n cry. What does she know? Did she remember the thing?

But she was smart enough to not rush it.
The fact that Blade was taking care of someone was a shock to begin with , she was aware they were close, but she starting to suspect he may actually be in love with her.

She hummed a sweet melody and got back to her cooking.

Blade's bedroom

His room was minimalistic, but dark. Everything was neat and put in place , his bookshelves were organised- not alphabetically but they weren't a total mess at all.

Y/n lay in his bed as she softly cried into his arms, she hadn't told him what is bothering her, and he doesn't plan on pressuring her to do so. Right now his top priority is making sure she can comfortably cry into his shoulder, into his chest. That she can feel comfortable to be vulnerable with him.

After a few minutes, she rubbed her eyes and looked up at the man, who so carefully held her in his arms.

He looked at her, locking eye contact.

The way she looked up at him with her eyes filled with tears and her face slightly swollen and red. He couldn't resist the urge to hug her, except this time he hugged her tighter. His arms pulling their bodies together as he hugged her tight, inhaling the sweet scent of her hair without her noticing.

This feeling of comfort again.

But hes meant to be comforting her. Why is he the one feeling comforted? He backed away from the hug, allowing her to sit up comfortably next to him on his bed.

Their arms brushed together as their hands touched, she wrapped her hand around his thumb, a few seconds later he took that chance to hold hands. Their fingers intertwining, fitting and locking in together like the perfect puzzle.


"Sorry for being so weak" she choked on her words trying not to sob, her hand gripping his tighter "I just don't know what's happening to me, why am I all of a sudden seeing so many terrible things? And why do none of them make sense?"


He knew what was happening. And he wasn't going to let Kafka find out. So he had to think of a plan fast.

"Okay Y/n I understand you're scared but can you promise to do as I say?" He let go of her hand and sat up so they were face to face. She nods "Good. I need you to act like nothing happened okay, just for a while and don't let Kafka suspect anything. I know this sounds odd, but it will all add up in future. Just be your usual bubbly self and tell Kafka you had a nightmare where that grey haired from the hologram was threatening to kill you or something okay? Can you be good and do that for me?"

"Yes Blade" she wiped her tears "I can"

"Good girl"

His lips curled as he pulled her into another hug as he rubbed her head "It'll all be okay y/n." His voice was slightly dry, embarrassed he'd show some sort of emotion that would throw her off and make her uncomfortable, but she had fallen asleep on him anyway. It appeared as though she didn't get a wink of sleep and cried the whole night.

It's okay, I'm here for you Y/n.

He kissed the top of her forehead and whispered,

"When this is all over. You can be happy."

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