Then he went near her door to opene it but found the lock was broken.
" Shit ." he cursed out.
He did not have any choice but to break it now . He shoots at the lock successfully braking it . Opening her side of the door what he encountered made him stop at his tracks .

Aria was not in a good state . She looked pale. Her eyes were closed as she was continuously mumbling something. Her rapid breath indicates she was going through a panic attack.

At first he paused himself , careful not to do more damage but he had to take her from there. She by then not understanding what was happening was shaking badly and when he held her she cried out thinking this is it . They are going to take her and do god knows what with her.

This thought alone was so fearsome that she couldn't hold back her fears anymore. She tried to get away from the hold around her ....

" hey , hey ....It's okay my love.. everything is okay now. " But Dmitriy tried his best to calm her down as he cruddled her carefully between his hold.

He swiftly takes her princess style in his arms and goes towards the other car as fast as he could. He puts her on the passenger seat . She was losing her consciousness. He tried to shake her but nothing was working . He needs to hurry ...

Without wasting any moment he started the car taking them away from the place. She needs a doctor and he can't take more risks . Along the way he connects Iven for him to inform the doctor.... As he carefully drives towards his place from time to time he also takes notes on her to observe her condition.

They reached his place after sometime and he noticed that Iven was already there as well.

" Dude . What happened ? You just called without saying anything. " he asked worriedly .....

When Dmitriy called he just ordered him to call their doctor but explained nothing.

" Later ." but he replied as he carefully took Ariya out of the car.

Seeing the girl , Iven frowned at his friend. If he isn't mistaken it's that girl.

Demity ignores him as he takes her inside and upon finding the doctor has arrived as well he takes in a relieved breath .


" She's okay now . Call me if anything urgent. " the doctor said as he handed him the prescription and then takes his leave .

Dmitriy went inside slowly opening the door. She is now changed into something more comfortable and is on IV .

Seeing him the maid that was helping her and tucking her into the covers stood up . She was all done as now Ariya was sleeping .

" Thank you Maria ." He said referring to the lady.

Maria is a woman on her mid fortis . She's more than just a maid for him as this lady has seen him and took care of him science he was eighteen.

" No problem sir . I will be in the kitchen then. " She smiled as she went out . But then stopped on her way as she needed to know if she needed to stay here for the night or just leave .

" It's okay Maria . I can handle the can rest now. Tank you ." He replied as his eyes were still looking at Aria's hand connected to the IV .

" Okay sir . " Then she leaves closing the door behind.

Finally he feels like he can breathe after hearing , she's doing okay.

He slowly went near the bed , careful to not make any noises . She was sleeping peacefully. He was grateful to the lady (Maria) that she took care of her ...........

He raised his hand towards her face unconscious about his act as he gently tuck her loose curls behind her ears . He hesitates a bit to get close to her . An unknown feeling liners around his heart as if even being this close was forbidden for him .

He stopped himself. Stood up and for one last time looking at her calming face, seeing , confirming that she is okay now.... infront of him ... He went back ... Closing the door behind.


" What ! ... I told you especially not to attract too much attention and do it properly! Why the hell he got our men !" the man shouted as he pointed the gun at the person infront, giving him the information.

" S-sir , we -we were just this close to capture her but suddenly someone unknown appear and ..." he tried to explain but -

" SHUT UP !.. last time.. this is the last time I'm giving you another chance. Find her and bring her back here . Infront of me ! UDERSTOOD !"

" YES SIR !"

" And what about some unknown person? ... Find out who it was . I need everything related to her . Everything ." He ordered the man and he left from there getting the orders , bowing down for the last time.

" Soon my darling. .... soon .... You will be here." He said with a manaic voice as he looked at the latest pictures captured by his men . There was something dangerous luarking behind and this won't be the last time for sure.


Xavier picked up the call fast as soon as he saw that it was from Aria's security team.

" Cody . Everythings alright?" He asked picking up the call.

" Sir currently everything is under control. We got one of the man that attacked Ma'am. We are currently at the dungeon ." Cody informed and told him everything that happened. For business Xavier was away from here but hearing that his sister isn't well made him agitated .

" I'm coming back within two days. Take care of her and inform me everything about her . Call me as soon as she wakes up . " He ordered and then cut the call .

He couldn't believe that they were only able to hide her from them for five months. He is aware of the situation but he knows well to not act on impulse.

He called his manager and informed him that they needed to settle down the matter soon as he needed to go back to Russia .


Hey there my loves , hope everyone is doing good 😊.
Well keep voting and comment your thoughts and I will see you again on my next update. Till then take care.

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Well keep guessing and share you thoughts about the book . It will help me understand if I'm going in the right direction or not .

Bye 👋 Adíos ✨

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