#32 | Emos

727 23 52

You hugged Yachi tightly, not knowing when you were going to see her again.

"Y/N your suffocating her!" Kaori ran up to you and pulled you off of the girl.
The blonde started to catch her breath as you apologised over and over again.

"It's fine." She smiled at you, "I'll be sure to text you every day. I know I'm not online in the group chat a lot but I'll be sure to talk to you, I promise!"

You nodded in response before giving her a quick hug again, before running towards Kiyoko and hugging her too.

"I'll miss you!" You say to her as she chuckles.
"I'll miss you too Y/N."

You let go and smiled at her before some loud crying made you turn around.

Hinata was standing there balling his eyes out, and Kageyama was telling him to 'shut the fuck up' but I don't think the ginger could hear it over how loud he was crying.

He was upset over three reasons,
number one: he had to leave all of his friends.
Number two: back to school.
Number three: less volleyball.

You walk over to him and tap him on the shoulder. he looks at you, faces stained with tears before hugging you too.

You gave the boy standing behind Hinata a smile, and Kageyama gave a slight smile back.

"C'mon Y/N we're going!" Your brother yelled out to you as your team started to enter the bus.

You let go of Hinata and wave at both him and Kageyama as you run off.
"I'll talk you you guys later!" You shout before entering your bus too.

You soon noticed that this bus didn't have the four-seater at the back, meaning you could sit with the girls.

You didn't mind that much and just sat down next to the window on some random seat near the front of the vehicle.

You waved out the window as the bus started moving, what you didn't expect was for someone to sit next to you.

You thought everyone would be in seats already, especially if the bus had already started to move.

You turn to look at the person, only to see FUCKING AKINORI KONOHA.

"What the rats ass are you doing?" You raise an eyebrow at the boy.

"Sitting next to you silly!" He rolls his eyes playfully.

"Why?" You ask, annoyance lacing your tone as you stare at him.

He sighs dramatically, "Because Y/N, we are both leftovers from a trio...a perfect match!" His 'depressed' expression changed as he said the last three words.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" You asked genuinely confused, konoha was the most random person you knew. He actually scared the shit out of you, you never knew what to expect of him.

"Bokuto and Akaashi, your brother Akaashi not you Akaashi—" You cut him off.

"I know, dickhead, I'm not stupid." You stare blankly at him.

"Um, yes you are? Anyway, that's not my point."
"Then get to the point?!
"I'm trying too?!"

You narrowed your eyes at the dirty blonde, he sighed before talking again.

"Anynoodles... Bokuto and Akaashi are sitting next to each other, so I'm a loner. Kaori and Yukie are sitting next to each other, so you're a loner. That means I sat next to you so none of us are loners!"

"Okay first of all, what the fuck is 'any noodles'. Second of all, I'm not a loner, I have plenty of friends!"

"Didn't they all leave you though?" Konoha asked, he didn't mean any harm from it, it was just him being stupid.

You sigh deeply, "Konoha, be quiet."

"Wait I'm sorry!" He whined as you looked away from him to stare out the window next to you.

You look back over to him and chuckle, he makes a confused face.

"Why the fuck are you laughing?"
"What, Do you want me to be emo or something?"
"Yeah actually, emo's are hot..."

You stare at him blankly, your mouth slightly opened. "Konoha what?"

"Dude, are you tryna tell me emos aren't hot?!" He notices your weirded-out expression.

"Well..." you think for a moment, "Actually yeah, emos are hot!" You say a little too loud.

"HELL YEAH THEY ARE!" You hear Yukie scream from near the back of the bus.

Konoha starts clapping as if he is applauding her, you decide to join in too.

"What are we clapping at?" Bokuto asked from the seat across from you, you shrug not really knowing exactly.

"Hot emos!" Konoha answered him.

"Oh hell yeah!" Bokuto lifts his hands into the air and starts clapping loudly.

Yukie and Kaori started clapping at the back too. Someone from the seat behind you also started to clap.

You turn around and look over the back of the seat to see Onaga just sitting there, clapping.

"You too?!" You say excitedly at him.
"Uh yeah?" The first-year replies.

You smile before moving your attention to Konoha screaming at your brother, "YOU REALLY DON'T FIND EMOS HOT?!"

"No?" Keiji shrugs, "My type is way different."

"Okay, so what is your type?" Bokuto asked.

"Yeah actually," you join in. "I don't even know what your type is?!"

"Okay, and I don't know yours either?" Keiji rolls his eyes before looking away from you.

"I don't really have a type that's why!" You cross your arms over your chest, "But I know damn well you do, you are quite literally the pickiest person I've ever met!"

Keiji didn't reply to you, he didn't really have a chance to when Konoha spoke first.

"Wait, how the fuck do you NOT have a type?" He stared at you confused.

"Well, it's not specific. They just gotta be tall and have pretty eyes and I'm hooked" You shrug.

"I literally remember you telling me that personality is the only important thing?" Your brother questioned.

"Yeah well, personality isn't a type. It's literally just the bare minimum. If someone doesn't have a good personality then that's on them."

"You are my idol Y/N." Bokuto put a hand to his heart.

"Okay anyway, I'm listening to music none of you talk to me." You say connecting your AirPods to listen to your playlist.

Keiji and Bokuto shifted their attention away from you, Konoha just stared at the seat in front of him.

He had pretty eyes, if he did say so himself. I mean they're green so they're rare, that meant pretty right? And he was tall, taller than you at least so that had to count for something.

Hope bubbled in his heart, a smile forming on his face. Maybe he could have a chance with you.

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