CHAPTER 8 ☀︎𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊𓆏𓍊𓋼𓍊

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"You're overreacting, I wasn't even snuggling your thigh. Or maybe you wanted me to?" It was entertaining for William to ignite an annoyed reaction from the young woman after he placed her on the couch and quickly tended to the scratches on her leg. She acted so demure and reserved that the mere idea of snuggling already made her flustered.

Mary never felt so annoyed in this lifetime, this man made Ace and Deuce's antics look like child's play. "It is not gentlemanly for you to do so! Stop having such ridiculous thoughts!" Fuming, she got off the sofa and ascended the stairs. "I will get my things"

William watched her disappear from view after entering a door on the second floor. Then curiously he roamed his gaze around, taking in the details and interior of this home. It was cozy, and sophisticated but not too loud; the two-story house made from brick was meant to be solitary and relaxing, basing on the garden surrounding it on the front and the pink porch.

He walked to the side lined with drawers, shelves, and displays–photos secured inside frames. There was a lone picture of a stylish man and next to it was a group photo with him smiling widely next to a woman and in the middle was a red-haired little girl with freckles but she looked a lot like the stylish man.

This doesn't look like Little Red...

After that frame, William saw the next set of pictures mostly with Mary in it when she was in college and wearing fashionable clothes next to the man. There was also a selfie with a beast, the one William held captive.

Sounds of footsteps from the staircase, Mary came back and she changed into a clean and modest green dress while holding a huge bag. She noticed William looking at the pictures. "What are you doing?"

"Why are you always suspicious of me?" He straightened up, shifting his gaze from the photos to the young woman. "You cannot distrust me forever, Red, we will be staying together under the same roof for a while" William took the large bag from her, "Shall we?"

Mary reluctantly let him carry her belongings, gritting her teeth and no longer saying a word. She gave the home a last glance before locking the door outside, this was the haven of her current family and she didn't want it to get destroyed.


Ellis Twilight was exhausted after finishing the task of preparing a suitable bedchamber for their temporary guest, he had been in a rather sour mood the entire time because he didn't enjoy doing errands within their headquarters, he would rather be out in the field but his next assignment will be for tomorrow.

A light knock on the door before it was pushed open, and Mary came into view. "Hello, I was" Astonishment gleamed in those gem-green eyes as she saw the overall room. It was decorated similarly to her bedroom back home and the old one in Moors. "This is amazing"

This made Ellis raise a brow in confusion, more on because of her reaction. "For real?" He blinked. Why was she suddenly acting at home? She should be frantic and wary.

"Thanks a lot! Did you do this on your own?" Mary asked, walking further inside with her belongings, she began taking her things out to arrange them on the table and shelf.

A confusing cyclone of emotions formed in Ellis, he stood there stiffly watching Mary arrange her things. Next were some dresses which she carefully put inside the closet. Annoyance, confusion, and irritation mixed, she was being too casual which was not expecting.

Ellis scoffed to himself and turned around, this was not worth having a headache for. "Be sure to get up early tomorrow before sunrise, you are accompanying me in my assignment" His words were laced with indignation. "You better show your usefulness or I will tell Victor and decide about disposing of you, that is going to be easier"

Frowning, Mary held onto her stuffed animal–a present from Silver in her sophomore year of which Riddle used to hate with passion. "Are you always this grumpy and loves to threaten anyone? I have not gotten your name yet..."

"It's Ellis and I don't care about yours" He took long strides and was out of the room before she could reply.

Mary was left in the middle of her temporary bedroom cloaked in silence after Ellis walked out, she sighed and resumed arranging the things she brought with her–having all these knick-knacks around would at least make her feel secure and still home. She recalled William's words earlier and hated how he was right–if she'll stay with them, she can't dislike them forever. A narrow-minded thinking would only make things worse for her.

"Finally, I am done, now what to do next?" Mary pondered after she was finished, maybe she could look around and familiarize herself with the mansion's layout. At least if the need for midnight snacks arises it wouldn't be hard. "I hope they won't take it against me if ever I do want to eat something at night..." She stepped out of her room, closed the door behind and walked in the corridor covered in lavish carpet and the walls were decorated with gorgeous paintings of historical greats.

One room at the far end took her attention, its door slightly ajar. Curiosity taking over, Mary walked towards this room and peeked inside, only to feel a pang of regret seeing its disturbing state. So many shattered objects that were mostly made of glass or mirror. Anyone who steps inside will get hurt, and prick themselves with those tiny shards!

"See anything interesting?" A whisper and breath brushed against the exposed part of her neck.

Mary jolted with a whammy and faced the person behind, her eyes met once again with the pair of icy blue orbs she saw first time at Riddle's agency. "You!"

"It seems I ignited familiarity in you, Sparkling" Elbert didn't smile, his face was smooth and void of any reaction yet his blue eyes glinted with thrill.

This man was the reason for the flower fairy's demise! He caused the explosion at Checkmate Detective Agency! He hurt Grim–Mary's line of vision became tinted with pulsating anger, never in her life did she feel so much raw hostility towards someone.

Mary lunged at Elbert, caring not if he had a larger and taller frame than her. "This is your fault! You're the reason I am here! You killed my friends!" She clenched her hands into fists, fuming and clouded. "I hate you!" She didn't stop hitting him on the face and was too drowned to snap to her senses to realize that the blonde male wasn't fighting back. "I hate you!"

"Go on, let me feel your pain, Sparkling" Elbert took a piece of glass and shoved it in her hands, he encased her hands with his and pointed the glass to his shoulder. "Do it,"

Finally, Mary stopped her actions as she returned to her senses. "Huh?!" She looked at their twined hands and how Elbert was guiding her hands holding the glass to draw a scratch on his shoulder.

"Do it, I want to see more sparks in those emerald orbs; it doesn't matter if it will only shine with hatred towards me so long as it won't look bleak and sad" Elbert replied making no sense and only bringing more questions marks on top of Mary's head.

Mary scrambled off his lap quickly and dropped the glass, "I apologize–I went out of line"

"Hm, not at all" Elbert got up to a sitting position, he reached out to touch a crimson strand that strayed from Mary's braid. "Your feelings right now are valid, you should not feel bad otherwise it will only get worse"

"Then..." Mary swallowed, looking away unsure. "My statement stands, I hate you for what you did to everyone I love" She pushed herself up, "It will not change"

Elbert looked up at her, "We'll see..."


(??? POV)

Who is this other woman they allowed in the mansion? Why does Rex look so fascinated with her? I don't like it, I hate her. She can't be here, my beauty is timeless and frozen therefore I should be the only one he fancies. I am going to get rid of her on my way.

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