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A/n pov

Y/n came home from college a bit late then usual.. College finshes at 5 and it takes 30 minutes to reach home... But this time she reached 7pm. Yn opened the door slowly with a small bag behind and back as she smiled thinking of the surprise. She thought everything would be fine. It's been a while since yn and her mom had a happy dinner or day, it was always arguments and misunderstandments between them, she prayed! She prayed for her mother to smile once she enters the home but was greeted with her mother sitting emotionless on the couch looking at her with emotionless eyes.

"where were you?" "I-I was studying at the library mom.. Exams are coming up" "shut it! Stop lying! I know your grades yn! You failed almost every damn subject! Maths 49% English 40% biology 41% chemistry 38% and physics 39% yn are you in your right sense of mind?? Do you know how much this could affect you?? You might aswell be a maid yn! With these grades you won't be living or stepping a foot in this house again yn! Trust me I'm serious this time!!"" can we talk about this later? I wanted to have a happy dinner with you mo-"" happy dinner?? HAPPY DINNER!!? WHAT THE FUCK YN! YOUR GRADES! YOUR DAMN GRADES! GET THOSE SHITS UP!"" mom okay I will calm down! Let's eat first please "" yn! I've had enough! I've contacted a professor from a high quality university for tuitions.. You won't say no yn!" " tuitions?? Why tuitions? Mom I will get my grades up my self! I don't want some random person teaching me shits! Please tell the professor not to come!!"" yn? I've tried to wait for you to get them up but if your results are like this I cannot with you" "MOM I DO NOT WANT TUITIONS WHY CAN YOU UNDERSTAND!? I DO.NOT.WANT.THOSE.DAMN.TUTI-"

My face was turned to my right side in an instant with a harsh stinging pain on my left cheek. I looked at my mom while holding my cheek with tears in my eyes as I saw her breathing heavily and few tears in her eyes " I don't know what I expected from you yn, if *sobs* if only your dad was here.. You would say 'yes' In one go *sobs*" I stared at her as she went back to the couch grabbed her bag and went towards the door, but before she left she turned back and said " the professor told he'll arrive in 15 minutes, so be ready for him to come, I'll be back late so don't wait and dissapoint me like you did again yn this is your last chance." she said as she left. The bag I had in my hand loosening as it fell to the ground. I fell slowly towards the ground as I finally cried my heart out.

After a good 7 minutes of crying I got up weakly and went to my room, I got a paper out and went back to the living room

" I wrote this a month ago mom, goodbye, I'll be meeting dad now I know you won't miss me but I hope you're happy with my gift
Happy birthday mother"

I picked up the bag and placed it on the table with the letter and left the house going to the rooftop. The fresh air hitting my face as my hair flows through the wind in rhythm. I stood tall on top of the wall and took a step forward. *sigh* I miss my dad, I miss my brother, I miss my life. I kept my phone on the wall where I was standing. I closed my eyes and took another step forward finally i was about to let my self be loose but then suddenly I felt my self being pulled back and then *thud* I opend my eyes and saw me still alive. Wait, no am I in heaven? Or am I In hell? Where's dad? But then suddenly my eyes fell on a handsome man with Cherry like lips and his muscular chest going up and down due to heavy breathing he smelled like smoke, He was smoking.

he looked at me and got up pushing me down with him on top of me now as his one hand securing him self and the other on my neck putting a bit force but I could still breath.

He spoke in his deep voice "what do you think you're doing? What would your family think? Your friends? Your boyfriend? your whatever think of you if you would do the reckless action? HUH!?" I flinched as he screamed the last part with the smell of cigarettes coming from his breath, "what's it to you?" I ask

"what's it to me? Nothing! But if the reason of doing this shit is valid and is actually making sense then it won't matter to me, BUT if the reason of suicide is 'I lost my boyfriend' 'my life's shit' ' I hate my life' 'I don't have friends' THEN DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT " he kept squeezing my neck harder while speaking but finally left roughly after he finished his sentence. He got up fixed his glasses and left the rooftop.

I coughed trying to catch my breath and when I did I stared at the direction where the man left. What's his problem? I got up and went back to my house, there's no point in trying to die again, the moods over. I walked back to my apartment and saw the same man almost breaking the doorbell I grabbed his hands and looked at him "what the hell are you doing at my house!?" "it's your house" "yes" I replied he roughly removed his hand from my grasp and said "get in, I'm the professor" I looked at him shocked but did as he told.

"just sit on the couch, I'll get dressed at come back" "before you go, what's with this note?" I turned back and saw him hold my note with a done face and I ran towards him and snatched the note "it's nothing" he sighed as he sat in the couch I tore up the note and threw it in the trashcan, I grabbed the gift bag and was about to leave but then the professor stopped me and said "come back within 5 minutes I don't want to waste my time, it's 7:30pm right now so we with study till 10:20pm okay?" I nodded as I left to my mom's room with the gift bag and kept in on her dressing table and left to my room

I got dressed into my comfortable pajamas

And went back to the living room to call him in my room for studying

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And went back to the living room to call him in my room for studying.

~to be continued~

It was kinda a shit chapter but I'll try to make it better, sorry for posting after months, update won't be regular but when I'm free then I'll post a chapter 😁thank you bye for now

It was kinda a shit chapter but I'll try to make it better, sorry for posting after months, update won't be regular but when I'm free then I'll post a chapter 😁thank you bye for now

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"Step-fessor" ||Choi Seungcheol Where stories live. Discover now