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Whenever Hanni saw her best friend Minji with that *certain* girl, her mind was filled with negative thoughts about the latter, to the point where she wanted to resort to violence.

The girl's name was Eva, which made things worse since she was evidently flirtatious. (This character is just created by me.)

"Eva, or more like Eva the flirty or stupid, hah!" Hanni snarled to herself in disdain.

Hanni couldn't stand Eva's presence. She was a flirtatious individual who seemingly enjoyed the attention from Minji, which angered Hanni to no end. Hanni's jealousy was growing with every interaction she witnessed between the two, and she grew increasingly agitated the longer it continued.

"Hanni." Jay tapped her shoulder, catching her attention. "What's wrong? Your eyes were glued to Minji. Could you focus on me instead..."

Hanni felt sad at his words. "I'll try, Jay," she said, still unable to tear her gaze from Minji.

"Thank you," Jay said as he held her hand, Hanni attempting to adjust to the physical intimacy. Despite her efforts, she was still uncomfortable.

Even though she was attempting to focus on Jay, she found it difficult to do so due to the presence of Minji, who commanded her attention, albeit involuntarily. In addition, Hanni wasn't fond of the physical intimacy that was being offered to her, though it was clear that Jay had good intentions. Nonetheless, her discomfort was prevalent as she continued to observe Minji.

Jay remained unaware of Hanni's inner conflict. He was only focused on trying to divert her attention towards himself. Although his intentions were noble, Hanni's thoughts remained focused on Minji, which hindered her ability to concentrate on Jay. She had to find a way to overcome her jealousy; until then, she would continue to struggle with focusing on anyone other than Minji.

"This is so annoying." Jay made a soft, annoyed utterance under his breath, which Hanni caught.

"Did you say something?" Hanni inquired, her voice tinged with suspicion.

Jay shrugged and replied casually, "Nothing, I'm fine."

Hanni could sense that Jay wasn't being truthful; however, she didn't press the matter, simply accepting his response and assuming it to have been nothing more than a brief annoyance.


Meanwhile, Jay's response did little to curb his irritation. He was still unhappy about Hanni's attention being directed towards Minji, though he chose to refrain from voicing his complaints. Nonetheless, his discomfort was evident, even if he tried to conceal it.

Jay sighed, "Hanni, let's hang out. Now."

"I don't think I'm available today cause I have something to-do today." Hanni lied

"Hanni, please..?" Jay begged

"Fine" Hanni had no choice, Eva wasn't as flirtatious as she thought just a little friendly and kind. Hanni however was the jealous type she needed to have everything to herself, even her friend. This obsession she had for her friend was a little unhealthy but maybe Jay would bring sense into her.

"How about we go get something to eat?" Jay suggested

"No I'm not hungry" Hanni said as she looked away from Jay

"I know you are, so let's go" Jay pushed.


They both went to an 'insert name' restaurant near their school. As they both sat down and ordered their meal Hanni couldn't stop looking towards Minji and the girl, this made her angry but she couldn't show it. "You alright Hanni?" Jay said. 'Yes' was the only answer she gave.

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