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It took a while for Luis and Angel to walk back to their meeting spot. After they arrived on the spot, at the same time Ada was finally back with the last ingredient on her hand, a blue butterfly.

"I got everything you need." Said Ada before she hand him the ingredients he needed. He take the ingredients from her hand and smirks. "Good. And i got exactly what you want." He took out the sample case from his pocket, showing a beautifully crystalized plaga inside the case. Ada gladly grab it from him, but when she just touches the tip of the sample case the sudden nausea hits her hard, making her back away in pain. The dark veins pops up on her skin once again, this time even more darker. Luis was surprised at this turned event, and back away too. "Oh that's not good," He looked down at the Amber and then back at her. "The parasites are reacting to the Amber." He explained.

"So that's the Amber.. that looks like something Wesker would want." Ada commented and shook her head, leaning against the brick wall holding the pain in her head. She looked at Angel, and notices how weak she is now leaning for support from Luis. Her veins are visible through her skin and the blood is everywhere in her palm. "Angel?" She called her in worry to see her partner's concerning condition, and Luis quickly turned into Angel with a worried look. "It won't be long until you get the medicine, señorita. Hang on there." He reassured softly in her ear, and gently sat her down on the ground beside Ada.

He put the tool box on a base and start to mix all ingredients Ada gathered for him. It take a moment for it to be done, while now Angel's condition became more concerning. Each drop filled in the syringe and once it was full, he went to the two woman in front of him. But something confuse him, he feel hesitate to which he choose to inject first. These two woman are both fighting for life and death and theres only one injection in his hand. "Angel could go first." Ada suggested, and Angel quickly denied it. "No, you go first. You really need those money, didn't you?" She replied with a weak voice, coughing. "Leaving your partner to death is worse than not getting paid, Angel." Ada insisted, letting her take the shot first make Angel feel gratitude for her. Even behind that cold face of hers, deep down she really cares about her partner even when they both are dying. She hesitate for a second, but she decided to give in and take the first shot. "If you say so," And nods at Luis. Luis then walked towards Angel and crouch down on her side, speaking gently. "This will knock off the parasite, but only for a time." He reminds them again. "Alright, you ready? A tu salud."

The syringe injected to the woman's neck with a slight sting, as the liquid of the medicine running through her veins in a quick time. Her breath become slower and steadier caused by the effects and she slowly lift up her eyelids to look at the man who saved her. "Wait.. how about Ada? No way you only have one injection with you, right?" She glances at Ada, and back at Luis. He checked in his pocket again and took out another syringe.

"I'm afraid there will be not enough medicine for anyone."

"Nonsense, Luis! I believe the medicine are still enough for all of us!"

"We'll see about that..." He tried to insert another shot in the injection and save another two remaining medicine inside a small box before he began to inject Ada after that. But it seems to have no effects on her and she starts hallucinating again. Well it is a bad thing, a big footsteps shook the ground as the black robe creature could be spotted from afar, seems like it's targetting on Ada. "It's coming..." She muttered weakly. Luis that was now a bit panicked, trying to protect Ada by taking her away from the monster followed by Angel limping from behind. "Why it doesnt work on her??" Angel asks in confusion, and responded by Luis with frustration in his voice. "I don't understand! It should be working right now!"

Not even halfway from their spot, Ada push him away and resisting him to take her away. Taking a deep breath, she looked at them calmly. "Take the Amber and go." She insisted. "Once the parasite is sedated you can give me back that damn stone." She continued, but immediately responded by Angel. "No way we would leave you, Ada! Not in this condition!" Luis nods in agreement on Angel's reaction. "She's right, Ada-"
"Spare me, i'll be fine." Ada chuckled off and look at them again. "You got another promise to keep."

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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