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Key House

Late 1900s

"Are you serious? Do you really want to put your own family in danger?" Randall questioned his friend.

His other friends nod in agreement.

"I do not care. We need to protect this."

"Randall?" Duncan asks, stepping down the stairs. "What's going on? I heard yelling."

Randall shrugs it off. "It's nothing, were done here. Right?"

Duncan watches as all of Randall and his friend leave except for Lucas and someone he never met.

"Hey Lucas." Duncan smiled.

Months later

"Lucas, what did you do?" Randall shouts.

"What happened down here?" Duncan asks.

"Guys, Erin isn't waking up."

Randall shoos Duncan away, as he and what is left of his friends check Erin's pulse. It was weak, but they began to see small movements come from Erin.

"Randall, we can't just leave Erin or the others like this."

"What should we do about Lucas?" One asks.

Randall thought for a moment. "I know what we need to do."

As the friends head to cliff over looking the ocean. Randall helped Duncan and the others toss their friends' bodies over the cliff.

"Oh god." Ellie cries.

Years later

Nicole's POV

"Hey, who's the new kids?" Scot asks, looking towards two teens.

"I heard they moved here because their dad grew up here." Said another.

"I thought it was because their dad was killed by the oldest son friend." Eden mocked.

"Eden?" We yell at her.

Eden shrugged, "Whatever, by losers." Eden left, flipping her hair.

"Why are friends with her again?" I ask.

Scot sighs as our friends laugh.

"Let's get back on track, shall we." Scot points towards the scripts in front of us. "We still need our Nephopdia. Any suggests who we can get to play him?"

No one said a thing, Scot wrote the script for this amazing movie. I play Amanda, as the others helped Scot with props and lighting.

"Well, until we can find someone to play the male lead. We can only do props, location, and search for a male lead." Scot got up and walked away.

Walking to my locker before class, someone bumped into my locker.

"Sorry about that. Are you okay?" The person asks.

The person appeared beside me. It was another new kid. I begin to laugh, "It's okay. You must be new here? I'm Nicole."


After School

Scot asked for us to gather in the dorm building. I asked Aaron to come along, as I believed he would be great for the film.

"Hey Scot, this is Aaron. I think he would be perfect for the role of our male lead."

Scot looks up from the script. "Aaron, why do you think you'll be a good fit for this role? You should know that you'll be in a costume for the part. You won't have many speaking lines unless I feel there needs some." Scot goes on with what it takes to be in the role.

"I have been in many school plays, I know may way around a costume..." Aaron explains.

"He seems a good fit to me." Zadie interrupts. "Hi, I'm Zadie, this is Doug." Zadie holds out her hand to Aaron.

Doug approaches and shakes Gabe's hand. Thus causing Scot to do the same. "Well then, it's setttled. Welcome to Savinis Aaron!"

"Who has the other lead role?" Aaron asks, sitting on the couch next to me.

Scot starts to laugh, "Well, it happens to be the person who brought you into the group."


Scot gives us instructions to spend time together over the next couple of days. As it was thursday, it was perfect to hang during the weekend.

Saturday Morning




"You can come in."

Aaron made his way into the home. He had someone walk in behind him. "Hey, this is Gabe. We're roommates, and Scot thought it would be fine adding Gabe to the film."

"Hi, nice to meet you." Gabe smiles.

Shaking his head, we walk into the living room. I grabbed us all some soda from the fridge. Aaron and Gabe had already pulled out their scripts. Mine was in my bag yet.

"What role did Scot give you, Gabe?"

"One of your love interests." He thought it'd be interesting for there to be two different sides of Nephopdia.

"Let's get started."

What It Means To Me (Oc fanfiction for Locke & Key)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu