03 | Lord Kiernan

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It was the only word she could get out. This man was the Lord Kiernan? She could have cried out in frustration. Of all the people she could have enraged tonight, it was him. So much for a good first impression.

Lady Dahlia's eyes flicked between them. "You two have met?"

"On the dance floor." A mirthless smile lifted the corners of Lord Kiernan's mouth as he turned to her grandmother. Hands clasped behind his back, his gaze flicked to Ilaria.

A shiver ran down her spine.

"Oh, this is wonderful!" Lady Dahlia clapped and held her hands under her chin. "You two just must keep each other company. You see, my granddaughter does not get out much, and I know you have all the good manners of a lord. You've risen in popularity over the years, and people speak highly of you. She is also an excellent dancer and great at keeping people company. I speak from personal experience, you know."

"Oh, Grandmother—" Ilaria rubbed her fingers against her skirt. This was quickly turning into a disaster. First, Lord Kiernan had accused her of doing something to him, and now her grandmother was trying to force them to spend time together. How could things get worse? "No. I don't think that's...no."

"Oh, I simply insist!"


"My good Lady—" Lord Keirnan tried to interject but was quickly cut off by Lady Dahlia, who waved her hand dismissively.

"Nonsense. I shall be distraught if you do not at least dance once together." She patted Lord Kiernan's hand charmingly. "You wouldn't want to upset me, dearest, would you?"

Ilaria winced, risking a glance at the man. His shoulders were tight and square, back rigid as he stared at Lady Dahlia's hand on his arm. What was going on in that head of his? His eyebrows pinched together. Then, a graceful smile split his face.

"Of course, my lady. One dance is all I can offer, though. I have many young ladies nipping at my heels, and I can't disappoint them, now can I?"

She hated him. Oh, how she hated him. She didn't even know him and loathed him with every fiber of her being. Heat crawled up the back of her neck.

Lord Kiernan shifted toward her. That pleasant smile she knew sent other girls into giggling fits didn't quite reach his eyes. Ilaria allowed him to approach her, never daring to break eye contact. It was like staring down a predator. If they weren't in a prestigious ball, she would throw her hands into the air to make herself appear bigger.

"Shall we?" He offered her the crook of his elbow as his head swiveled toward the dance floor, facing it like a soldier about to march to his death.

The death stare from her grandmother gave her little other option.

Biting her tongue, she linked arms with him. He was tense. She could feel it in the rigidness of his arm as she rested hers around it.

Once they were out of earshot of Lady Dahlia, she worked herself up to saying something. "I am not pleased about this just as I assume you are not pleased about it either."

He huffed.

Okay then. A man of little words.

Lord Kiernan directed her to the dance floor, and they soon parted to other sides of the dance lines. Her back prickled with anxiety. It felt like all eyes were on them. Of course, people would be staring. She, a lowly girl who had not yet been welcomed into the ranks of high society, was dancing with the most sought-after man in the room. A man who had come to power through hard work and cutthroat brutality. He had earned his title and his right to be in the room.

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