chapter 142

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Louis' pov

Okay so we are in Camden today they said to us today it was so dangerous we were not allowed to go out, we were only allowed to stay on the bus so, that's what we did. We decided to stay in our pyjamas all day and we also did some cooking and baking, while me and Val were baking I chucked flour at her and it ended in a very messy food fight.

Once we were cleaned up we decided to watch a film or two until they said we needed to get ready and practise for the show. When they said we actually had to get ready we did and then we went and practised also.

When it was time to go on stage the girls said good luck to us and we went on.When we came back we had dinner and watched some more movies, when we were in our second movie I turned to Val to see she was fast asleep, so I picked her up said goodnight to the rest of the boys and Danielle and took her to bed, I climbed in after and cuddled her in my arms until I feel asleep also

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