Chapter 2: Spinosaruas Attack

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"It's like a battle mode look." Max said.

"Too many elemental dinosaurs?" I asked. Max shrugged.

Chomp slammed into the tyrant king while Spino stepped on his neck. The Rex growled out weakly. He was turned back into a card.

"Uh oh, here come those pesky humans." Alpha snarled and chased after them.

They instantly bolted. "So, wanna join our team?" Chomp asked.

"What? Are you trying to take advantage of me? I don't listen to you." The Spino roared and grabbed Chomp and moved him back, but by bit.

"Ahh, get off me." Chomp said and pushed back. Alpha turned back and ran back toward Chomp and the Spino.

"Alpha, howling blizzard." I called out as Alpha did as told. The snow blanketed the desert area and the Spino. He moved away from Chomp and turned to Alpha.

"Uh oh." Alpha whined and his ears dropped. The Spino was much bigger and quickly moved Alpha up into the air using his head. Alpha fell to the ground and whimpered.

"Chomp?" Max called out to his friend.

"Alpha?" I called out.

The spined lizard turned and used his move on Chomp which severely injured him. The Spino then slammed his foot down onto the three horned faced lizard. Chomp jolted and roared in pain.

All of sudden Rex and Zoe teleported in. "You guys, what are you doing here?" Max asked.

"We got our cards and are ready to help. Come on out, Ace." Rex called out. His carnotaur roared as wind shot past him. He was primarily blue with yellow horns and spike ridges on his back and tail.

"Come on out, Paris." Zoe said next and her parasaurolophus rose up and roared. The Paro was green with blue and white hints.

"Come on then!" The Spino roared out.

The two dinosaurs accepted the child and knocked him down. "Ace, use Cyclone". Rex called out and his carnotaur rammed into the Spino really fast.

"Paris, Nature's Blessing." Zoe called out and Paris shot out lead petals from her mouth that heals Chomp and Alpha in a green shield that shattered like glass when finished.

All four dinosaurs roared at the Spino who hissed back. He got on all fours, he knew he would lose now.

"Chomp, Lighting Strike." Max said and Chomp shot his lighting into the Spino which sent him flying into the air. He then turned back into a card but fell into enemy hands.

"No!" I yelled at them.

"Goodbye you brats." Ursula said and went off.

"What's up with that old lady?" Zoe asked which caught Ursula's attention. Then Reece teleported us back home.

"We didn't get the Spino." I said defeated.

"There will be more chances." Max said and patted my back. I nodded. It was a long day, we sent our Dino's to play as their baby forms and waited for the end of the day.

At the end I went to sleep and my mind was filled with Alpha, before he was a card.

(Enjoy these Prehistoric Segments at the end of each chapter from here on out!)

Alpha POV

The first thing I knew was that I was young and small but lived in a good den that was nice and warm from the cold weather outside. Constantly mom would feed us and dad and our aunt and uncle would drag food back to the den.

We gladly ate it up. Those days then turned into play and practice for hunting. We would travel the area, no longer living in the same den but moving across the plains and forest.

Some days we hid from sabertooths or wooly rhinos. Other days we would fight against dire bears or hunt mammoths but what came today would change my life forever.

I crouched down slowly as we approached a lone megaloceros. His antlers were massive and he was looking about every now and then but since we were down wind we were undetected by smell.

My brother and sister leapt out and began to chase down our prey. We caught him by surprise and led him into a chase. Soon I joined in when close enough and pounced onto his back. I bit down onto his spinal cord and waited for him to fall, he didn't and instead bucked me off.

I fell off and growled. My family gathered around and we started barking at the megaloceros. He backed off and began to run away but soon fell into a trap made by a new species, humans.

We walked over to claim our kill when the humans came out, jabbing sharp wood at us. We snarled at them and my sister being the bold one leapt onto one and mauled his face off.

The others panicked and stabbed my sister in the chest. She fell limp onto the now red colored snow. Soon my brother and I went to avenge her.

All I could feel was rage as we tore through them. My brother then had sharp wood shot from a hidden covering into him and he fell dead next. The humans shot my leg and speared my side and I was forced to retreat.

I shivered that night and thought I was a goner. That was until two humans that were different came down into my den. I growled and barked at them but they held their hands up, they had no wooden tools.

"We won't hurt you." One said which I didn't understand at the time.

I backed away but soon they threw a slab of meat down and I instantly ate it. "We'll keep you safe." The other humans spoke and put a stone near my head and I was turned into who I am today. 

(Again, sorry it's so short but they will be getting longer, or I'll try to make them longer, after the next chapter, see you guys in the next one and don't forget to comment and suggest new creatures to Drako and his friends to chase down!)

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