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A small word, yet with such weight that it can shape our lives in unimaginable ways.

We must never forget the importance of choice in our lives. It's what gives us the power to shape our destiny, to carve our own path, even when the world insists otherwise.

Choice sets us apart, makes us unique in a sea of possibilities.

For me, choice is more than just a simple word. It's the reason I keep moving forward, even in the face of adversity.

It's through choice that I allowed myself to live a love that the world deems forbidden, 

but to me, it's my salvation.

I chose to love, even when it was easier to give up. I chose to fight, even when everyone told me it was a lost cause. Because, in the end, what matters are not social conventions or others' expectations, but my own happiness, my own truth.

Choice isn't always easy; it often comes with sacrifices and uncertainties.

But it's in those moments that we discover what we're made of, where we find our true strength. And that's where I find myself now, because I know that every choice I make brings me closer to my own happiness.

I give my all, I give every piece of myself in the choice to love, because if everything is hers, then let it also be mine.

I don't know how to want so little, I don't know how to love halfway. If it's meant to be, let it be whole, let it be intense, let it be us facing the world hand in hand. That's choice.

But what if we break? 

What if the weight of expectations pulls us apart? 

Is it really impossible? 

Should we just accept what's imposed on us, or keep fighting against it?

We're terrified, pretending not to care, but the truth is, I dare you to let me be yours.

Because I promise I'm worthy, worthy to prove that we're capable of facing any obstacle together.

Destiny may be pulling us miles apart, but my heart screams that she was made to be mine. 

And in the end, no one can say what we'll become. Because the only certainty I have is that as long as I have a choice, I choose to love her, entirely, intensely, beyond any obstacle life throws at us.

The consequence of destiny is love, and love is a choice I make every day.

Her gaze is like a thread guiding me back home when we lose ourselves and the emptiness is hard to bear alone.

But I'd rather not risk it if it's not to dive in completely, to be by her side even when everything seems uncertain.

Love can't be divided into equations, it doesn't fit into logic or calculations. 

It's, once again, a choice we make, to throw ourselves in, to surrender completely, because that's how we choose to live: without fear, without hesitation.


the word that has always guided me, that has always defined who I am and what I do.

But now, I look around and feel cornered, as if all choices were taken away from me.

Flashes of cameras and phones being pulled out and shoved in my direction every time I step out, suffocated by the avalanche of rumors and unfair accusations that the media cruelly throws at who I supposedly associate with and how clever I am for taking advantage of this life.

Ad hominem... fallacious arguments and personal attacks that hit my self-esteem and security hard. Used to divert attention from the truth and undermine my credibility.

You have no idea how I feel until I go through this.

How it is to be the target of these false accusations, of these cruel insinuations that destroy my public image and corrode my real relationship.

I can't deny it, I can't defend myself.

I'm gagged by the media tyranny, forced to silently endure the weight of the lies they throw at me.

It's one of the few times I truly feel powerless, incapable of making a choice.

But, despite everything, there's still something no one can take from me: the choice not to give in to despair, the choice not to let these rumors define who I am.

Because, in the end, the only voice that really matters is mine, and that padlock locked on the bridge in Paris, is what holds my soul together with whom I belong.

And she deserves me to keep choosing not to forget that the choice is between us.

The choice not to give up.

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Unforgotten Words • Jenlisa ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora