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How much time does a minute have?

For someone trying to finish a task or submit an exam, a minute is like the blink of an eye. But if you ask someone waiting outside the bathroom, you'll get a completely different answer. 

It's a matter of perspectives. That's why I believe 'time' will never be forgotten. It wouldn't let us forget.

People often tell me that I have all the time in the world. But do I really? 

If I can't see the people I want to see when I miss them and if I might never see them again, where is this concept of having "all the time in the world"? All for whom?

Life doesn't wait, and death doesn't either. I can postpone tasks, but not people. 

And even though I despise the motto of it's okay, you still have all the time in the world to see her, I find myself entangled in it. Because I allow the advice of others to comfort me; if it's okay for them, then it must be okay for me too. But it's not.

Time passes, and not everything remains. What moves and what never will move. 

The permanence of people in our lives, even in mine, cannot be assured. I can't promise futures (I may tho), nor can I secure myself through the past if I neglect the present.

You have no idea what I would do to have her here...

"Don't let time erase, or I might forget you."

I can hear her cautious whisper, like a cold breath on my neck, incompatible with the sticky sweat of our bodies. It sounded like a warning, an order, but above all, a plea.

Can I still find time to love you if I travel through time?

It was all simpler when we didn't have all the time in the world.

 When every week had projects to organize, choreographies to learn, lyrics to compose, evaluations to prove that the magnitude of our despair matched our dream of debuting.

In those days, the relentless and almost impossible-to-rest time was still my favorite.

If I could go back to that first September 23rd, under my blanket...

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