12 words that should never be forgotten

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I don't really like to read.

Everyone knows that.

I'll always prefer movies and TV series over books. I don't know, maybe I just don't have much patience to flip through pages. Don't my photo albums count?

Anyway, contrary to logic, I really enjoy writing.

It all started about twelve years ago when I had to do it as homework, and it turned out that I developed a liking for it.

I composed songs (or what I thought song was) with generous doses of "whys" and no answers, love songs brushed with poetry that would make Shakespeare blush—yes, I know who Shakespeare is; just because I don't like physical books doesn't mean I'm ignorant about literature. 

Anyway, songs that made me develop a taste for words.


I like them, don't ask me why. I never had the answers.

But I have a special fondness for them. I know they're not always necessary; sometimes actions speak louder. Still, I really like words, and personally, I have twelve favorites.

These are words that throughout my not-so-long life (I'm only twenty-seven) I've sought, researched, asked around about, and decided will probably never be forgotten.

Unforgotten words.

Want to know what they are?

The entire story will be in Lisa's pov. Please add this to your library! 😊

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