1: rainfall

16 0 0

- r o m a n -

Packing up and leaving was awful. More tiring, but I can't complain since I don't exactly sleep, because I'm a vampire. Yeah, crazy, I know. I didn't believe they existed either until I was attacked on my way home from the movies. I split off from my friends, and next thing I knew I woke up in some alley with a thirst for blood.

I've managed to hide it from my parents. I mainly kept it a secret because I knew I was going to be taken and experimented on in some lab by old men in white lab coats. I took my chances.

Where was I? Oh, right. Forks, Washington. What the hell are we doing way out here? Well, my mother's family lives here. And my mother's mother is dying. I know it's obvious I avoided the term 'grandmother'. We'll get to that later.

Tomorrow is my first day of school in Forks High. Forgive me for not being so ecstatic. I miss my old friends. They.. knew me. Not vampire me, but me. The part of me that wasn't taken. The part of me that was spared. The me that still has the same ole boring hobbies; like flower pressing, bird watching, and reading. Reading happens on occasion.

I went to my closet, carefully picking out the most casual attire I could. Jeans, t-shirt, and sneakers. Sneakers that belong to the trash. I've had them forever. They're worn out. The bright navy blue has faded into a dull gray color. The white has yellowed over time. And the laces are more like two pieces of thread. But, they're mine and they make due.

I laid my sage green jacket over my desk chair, sighing as I went to the window. I looked out over the not so nice view of the wooded landscape. Trees, trees, and more trees. A light rain started, tapping the window and roof of our new house.

A dull shape caught my eye as I looked across the street. A body, maybe even a few, stood at the forest line. They stood there. Staring. Perhaps interested in the new neighbors, us. I didn't let it bother me so much. Because what do I have to fear? I closed my blinds and turned my light off. But I have a feeling they know I'm not actually sleeping. 


Something is going to happen today. I'm not sure what, but I feel it coming. I have a... sixth sense of things. When offered with different choices, I'll see the outcomes. That happened this morning, but everything seemed the same.

My dad will be driving me to school. Before the decision to move here to Forks, Mom and Dad had to make sure they could find jobs here. Dad was a science teacher, so they transferred him here. He was offered to teach Literature and Biology. He gladly took both.

Also, my dad, Su-jin Choi, he looks exactly like my dad. He's five foot three. Round. Chubby face. Silver rimmed glasses. Sweaters over button ups with khakis and penny loafers. He's the typical Asian dad. And he's absolutely awesome. All my friends loved my dad. He's an all around really great guy. He's humble. And kind and warm hearted.

Dad and I stepped out, we walked across the semi crowded parking lot together. He was talking about how he'll check on me during lunch time, to make sure I'm doing well. He knows moving away from everything I've known was not easy. Especially when it's hard for me to make friends.

As we walked, I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me. Well, people stare at people all the time. But this time felt different. I casually looked around. I spotted a group of teens across the parking lot. Staring. Staring like I spit in there food. Staring like they don't like me. Or maybe they're just racist.

I went in with Dad, ignoring the itch they gave me on the back of my neck. I smiled, nodding as he spoke.

No one's really talked to me today. Teachers obviously did. Some people asked about what it was like living in the city, New York. Some people boasted about themselves, being jocks and cheerleaders. Some just smiled and waved or pretended like we didn't make eye contact. I'm fine with no one talking to me. Being invisible is easier than being a target.

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