meeting pannal☘️

Start from the beginning

Punzs face shifted hearing it his hands balled as he glazed at the wall in jealously, it's no secert to Dream, punz wanted sapnap.

"Stupid color mash" the white hoodie wearing boy muttered.

"Well you know the fans are just go-" Karl started.

"They ship punz and sapnap to, they asked me to invite them both" Dream cut in, seeing Punzs jealously silently rise.

"What- sense when wore they a ship it was alawys Dream and punz cannoyl married" Karl said confused, this was new to him.

"The clip was both when I had sapnap call me daddy for rizz, and when George called me sapnaps boyfriend" Punz hummed, clearly not minding George's comment.

"You wore acting like a overprotective boyfriend" George said as his eyes widen, he just relized, he looks to Dream who only nods.

George realized, his boyfriend comment, was something punz really wanted. "This is gonna cause so much drama" george sighed leaning on Dream.

"Indeed but I know for a fact sap likes punz, or I think he does when he herd punzs name his face got flustred" Dream murmered to George who'd chuckle, as Dream rested his arm around his sholders.

(Dream and George are not a ship in this, just close friends-)

"Alright guys let's head to our booth" Dream said clearing his throat.

Quackity nodded, slipping his hand into George s they all walked to the booth, karl tried to take Sapnap's hand or arm, as a way to get fansevrice. No to make them get shipped.

Sapnap just uncomfortablely moved his arm back, "Karl- I don't want them to think were actully a thing" Sapnap murmered.

"Think of the fans." Karl giggled and skipped along, punz lurking behind glaring filled with anger and jealously.
They all in a line, punz and sapnap on the right sat by echother as Dream intructed, karl was near sapnap to, quackity and George on the left and he.

Karl pouted abit seeing punz was close to Sapnap. As punz leaned back and softly rested a hand on Sapnaps thigh, "its okay darling." He said softly.

Sapnap was jittering with a pen nervous but looked and smiled softly to punz.

"Are any of the ships form the smp real realships outside?" A eager fan started up instantly.

"Karlnapity isn't a thing, however me and George have recently became a thing" Quackity smiled, looking to George with soft blush.

The crowd cheers, "Quacknotfound!!"

"Me and George, or me and fundy are also not a thing" Dream answered, "and neither are I and punz"

The crowd went quiet upset with the answer looking to sapnap, "is punznap or karlnap a thing" the voices ask him excitedly.

Punz looked right to Sapnap in the most loving way ever, his blue eyes glssing into he limelight as it seemed to only highlight them and karls brown hair.

"Well- neither is offical.." Sapnap said, nipping his lip, "I am very much single"

"Yeah... it's unfornat" Karl murmred adding on.

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