Raptor Restoration

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There is something missing from our world. The amazing animals that time has left behind. But what if we could bring them back? what if extinction didn't have to be forever? were going back in time on a safari with a difference, as wildlife adventurer Nigel Marvin plunges into prehistory to rescue creatures on the brink of extinction. his plan is to bring them back to the safety of the present day to give them a second chance.

this time, Nigel is going back 75 million years to the harsh deserts of prehistoric mongolia to save some of its most ruthless predators.

welcome back to the ultimate wildlife sanctuary, welcome back to prehistoric park.

Nigel marvin sits at his desk inside his bungalow reading a book with illustrated dinosaurs on the front cover.

suddenly he looks up at the camera

" Hello there, I'm Nigel Marvin and last year I made my dreams a reality by opening the ultimate wildlife sanctuary, that is prehistoric park!" "so far we have managed to save 14 species of prehistoric animals from extinction and even successfully breed some in captivity."

just as Nigel is about to continue, a microraptor glides over towards him.

"this is Barry he's a species of dinosaur called microraptor." Nigel starts to stroke him.

Nigel saved the microraptor as well as a herd of titanosaurs from a volcanic explosion in prehistoric china. since then the titanosaurs,with help from a stowaway troodon have managed to cause a mass breakout at the park.

"Yes unfortunately there was an incident but like most things here at the park it had a very big silver lining." Nigel pauses as the microraptor takes off. "As I was saying now we have been given a big payout thanks to our insurance allowing us to buy more land for the park and even an aquarium,as well as allowing us to build new enclosures and hire more staff."

something head keeper Bob Arthur is very happy about.

"the park hasn't really changed apart from the extra land." "oh and I nearly forgot as part of the new insurance plan the titanosaurs have been put in a large steel framed enclosure at the front of the park lined with wooden fencing to give it a more natural feel, so they can no longer roam free which has given Bob less work to do." Nigel got out of his chair. "speak of the devil." As Nigel finished his sentence Bob appeared. "Hey Nigel I have just finished the last of the hill pits so you have somewhere to put our next residents." Bob rubbed his forehead as he stopped talking."Oh and Sussanne wants you to stop by the deinosuchus enclosure before you leave to...." he paused thinking."actually Nige where are you going?" Nigel and Bob both started to walk along the bridge of the bungalow."I'm going to mongolia in the late cretaceous period to try and save a velociraptor or two from extinction." "just like old times then." chuckled Bob

"just like old times mate." replied Nigel

Just like old times Nigel is heading back 75 million years to prehistoric mongolia, a location full of unique dinosaurs only found at this point in time. It's here when one of the most intelligent killing machines the world has ever known was in its prime.

"To house the raptors we have used a design similar to that of victorian bear pits,but with a more uptodate vibe." Said Bob at the construction sight of three enclosures which are placed along the face of the hill. "I came up with this design when trying to find an escape proof home for Rascal the troodon."

Rascal catched a lift to the twenty first century from prehistoric texas when he stowed away in Nigel's jeep and ever since has caused the park problems.that was until bob had the Idea for the Hill Pits.

Prehistoric Park Series 2Where stories live. Discover now