"Yeah sure" she smiled and called vaggie as she tells everyone about going out for today

After breakfast we all went out and explore. Many demons panicked when they saw alastor and I though

I'm not that bad-. My thoughts got interrupted as a demon shouted in fear and immediately run off "oh shit!"

Alastor chuckled beside me. This man really loved to see people's terrified faces

Charlie, vaggie and Calypso are in front of us as they talk about some random things until we reached the cannibal town and decided to go to a coffee shop.

We saw Rosie sitting to another table not too far away from us, she noticed us and immediately went towards our table "alastor, violet glad to see you all again!" She smiled while looking at us "glad to see you too again Rosie! Why don't you sit with us?" I smiled as she sat beside me "So what do you guys wanna order?" She asked

"Coffee with no sugar" alastor said as Charlie and the others told what their order is "and what about you darling?" Rosie looked at me "perhaps an arm or a leg?"

I smiled awkwardly and declined "no thank you I'll have a chocolate cake instead" she chuckled and patted my head "I'm just messing with you darlin I know you don't eat that kind of thing"

She smiled and called the waiter. She told the waitress what our orders are as we talked about something while waiting for our orders to arrive.

After a few minutes

The waitress arrived and put our orders on the table carefully not wanting any of it to spill or fall

But I noticed something his hands were shaking as he sweats nervously. alastor glance at him "thank you kindly, my good sir" Alastor grinned widely at the waitress causing him to Tensed up "y-you're w-welcome s-sir" the waitress stuttered as he immediately left us

Alastor chuckled and took a sip of his coffee "oh alastor you scared the living soul out of him" Rosie chuckled as well

"Poor thing" Rosie ate the fingers she ordered while I ate my chocolate cake

While we're eating I suddenly saw one of my closest friends. He noticed me and quickly walked towards our table "violet" I stood up and smiled "oh Enzo hello!" He was about to hug me but stopped mid way

I looked at him in confusion and followed his gaze. I saw alastor grinning widely at us while his eyes are twitching slightly

I smiled awkwardly and looked at Enzo again as we decided to just shake our hands together

We talked for a moment as he bid goodbye after we talked and went to his friends table

"Who was that?" Rosie asked"oh just a friend of mine"

Time skip

We left the coffee shop and decided to go to Rosie's shop "not this ornery old bitch again" I sighed in annoyance when I saw Susan

"You mean the gap between your teeth?" "EXCUSE ME!?" susan yelled "yeah how about worry about going to the dentist to fix your teeth instead of worrying about my dress" the girl responded as Susan pounced on the poor girl and they both fought

We stared at them with bewildered faces "okay just ignore that" Rosie smiled awkwardly "sit my darlings" she lead us towards the chairs "so who's this fine young man you brought with?"

"Oh this is Calypso Charlie's new guest" Calypso shyly smiled at Rosie "nice to meet you ma'am" Rosie smiled widely "oh look at you so polite" "from now on you can just call me auntie Rosie okay?" Calypso happily nodded

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