Several cult people sigh. Some in relief, others frustrated they didn't get who they wanted. The cultists don't yet seem to grasp the significance of who's ire they did invoke.

Jason reaches out seemingly into thin air. He concentrates and with a bit of effort pulls out his sword. The broadsword isn't exactly a weapon he's used to, no matter how many time Fright Knight kicks his ass in training. But it is powerful, intimidating, and more importantly, centers his power to a single point, so he won't burn his family wiht the next stunt he's about to pull.

He walks over to the closest, who happens to be the Big Bat himself. Jason heaves his sword above his head, green eyes blazing inside his helmet.


Batman doesn't flinch. Just looks at the entity that took over his son head on with a steely gaze. What he didn't expect was for the sword to only make contact with the binds surrounding him, melting the chains in moments.

"Free the oth'rs." The entity wearing Jasons body orders him, tossing him a small, glowing knife pulled out of the eather. Batman clenches his jaw, grinding his teeth. He desperately wants to punch whatever is using his boy as a puppet. But he knows he'll stand a better chance freeing Jason with his other children free. And for now, this entity isn't hostile towards them. He just has to hold on and hope Jason isn't lost. Not yet. Not again. He will get his son back.

Batman goes for Robin, the Red Knight walks over to the opposite side, Red Robin.


Tim flinches as the sword arcs down towards him. All the magic and supernatural bull has given him a headace. Or it could be the caffiene withdrawel and the days without sleep trying to track down the very cult they've been kidnapped by. Either way he's not having a good time, and now Jason is.. Taken over? Hes'... that's not Jason is it? As the sword melts his bindings Tim looks into lazarus green eyes. Glowing fiercely, burning like a chemical fire set off in Jason's soul.

"Can you stand, Tiny Timber?"

oh... it is. This is totally Jason. Not some Demon taking his brother for a joyride. Tim is going to interrogate him within an inch of his life and then he's gonna strangle the dramatic fuck. A little numb Red robin nods and pushes himself up on shakey legs.


"wha- what are you doing?! The sacrefices are ment for our lord!" The cult leader cries indignantly, as one by one the bats are freed. The Red Knight turns towards the cloacked men who are approaching the magical circle in a bid to stop him. The firery gaze beneath the helmet blazes through the cultist wards straight into his soul.

"He doth not appreceate the useth of his subjects in thy ritual." Red Hood growls.

"This has nothing to do with you or whomever you serve, being of death. Return to whatever abbys you came from, so we may gain the favor of the entity we want to summon!"

"Nev'r speaketh of things thou can not comprehend, mortal. Yond demon wouldst not has't did grant a weakling liketh thou the timeth of day"

que salty cultists gearing up for a fight. "We are loyal worshippers, how dare you insinuate otherwise!"

Red hood growls "Square, I dare thee!"

An all out brawl breaks out. Spells are flying all over the place all the while Batman is still working to free the ones still bound.

Hood is mostly on the defence, deflecting magic aimed at his siblings.

Robin has taken the offence, darting between his attackers and using either his enemies or the Red Knight as a shield. Jason is more than happy to provide, let him take the hits ment for his littlest brother.

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