[You knew you had to wrap this battle up quick, unless you wanted your friends, and yourself to die. Dodging more tentacles, you conjure a giant ball of fire onto Kluth, but it appeared to do nothing. Kluth smacked you into a wall with a tentacle. You slowly got up, weakened. No matter how many times you got knocked down you kept getting up, you had to. Kluth sent another wave of tentacles towards you, but suddenly they stopped...no, Everything stopped! Time itself, had been frozen, while only you could move, freely. You questioned it, you thought maybe your life had flashed before your eyes but no! You had awakened something, totally not due to plot armor! You approached Kluth, as soon as you made it towards him time had resumed. Kluth was given no time to react, before you delivered a punch so powerful it knocked him out of his true form, and into a wall.]

Kluth: H-How....How Did You...

[Kluth was stuttering between words, and you gave no initial reaction or response to his words, you just continued walking towards him. You could feel the fear coming from him, as he tried his best to move away from you. As he finally backed himself against a wall, you threw one last punch, missing his head by only a little bit]

Y/N: Make no mistake Kluth. I hate you with every cell in my body, but im not going to kill my brother. 

[Kluth stared at you in shock, before he started laughing. You soon joined it. The both of you sat there laughing for a good minute or two, before Kluth finally spoke]

Kluth: Fuck! It's been awhile since we've almost killed each other. Feels good to finally have let loose for once.

Y/N: Right!? Mom would always warn us that if we did end up killing each other, we'd be a fallen. Also next time you wanna fight don't kidnap me. I wasn't prepared.

Kluth: Right, right. My bad.

[Suddenly the entire place started to shake, as chunks began to fall from the ceiling. It didn't take a genius to realize the place was collapsing, so you had to get out of there asap. You began searching for an exit, but noticed Kluth wasn't moving.]

Y/N: What are you doing....We gotta get out of here! Like, now!?

Kluth: Heh. As much as I'd love to, i can't. I'm connected to this place, i can't just leave it because its crumbling.

Y/N: Kluth, i've already lost many people over the years, I'm not about to leave you here!

Kluth: Don't worry...I'll be fine.

[Without saying another word, Kluth put his hand against your chest. From his palm, a massive gust of air shot out, blowing you through the building and outside, knocking you out in the process. Before you had gotten knocked out however, you could just barely make out the words "Take care of yourself, lil bro."]

???: Y/N! Y/N WAKE UP!

[Opening your eyes, you squinted them immediately. You had spent several hours in a dark basement that the sunlight hurt your eyes. Speaking of several hours, it had been several hours since your fight with Kluth, and everyone was huddled over you. Upon your awakening, you were bombarded with everyone hugging you.]

Blitz: Jesus fuck Y/N! you scared me, i thought you had died! I know we're not related but you're still like the son i never had. 

[His words made you smile a bit, it was nice being cared about this much. Looking over, you saw Cthulhu talking to a golden haired girl, which caused you to raise an eyebrow.]

Cthulhu: *looking over at you* Ah, you're finally awake. Took you long enough

Y/N: Yeah...hey, uh. Who is that?

Cthulhu: This...is Hastur? Have you really never seen her without her robe on?

[Your eyes widened, cause you thought Hastur was a dude! Then again, it would explain why she got mad when you groped her...wait]


[Hastur blushed in embarrassment and quickly looked away, while Cthulhu just laughed. You were just confused, cause a second ago they were trying to kill each other, and now they're just, casually talking?]

Blitz: Well i've had enough excitement for one day! Y/N hurry and heal up so we can head home!

Y/N: Yeah yeah, give me a second.

[Trying to heal yourself, you noticed something odd. Every time you tried to heal yourself, it just, wouldn't work. You tried harder, but it just seemed to damage you even more. This confused you as, this has never happened before.]

Cthulhu: Everything alright Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah yeah, just...give me a second

[You tried using your flames to try and....melt your skin together? Why was that your 2nd idea who knows! Im the writer of this story and even i don't know! :D. Even your fireball didn't seem to work.]


[It was in that moment you realized what was happening to you. Kluth's death....you losing your powers. It could only mean one thing, that you had fallen. It shouldn't have happened though! You didn't cause Kluth's death! Unless....maybe you did? Noticing that almost everyone had left through a portal stolas had opened, only Hastur and Cthulhu stayed behind.]

Y/N: Cthulhu...Hastur...there's something i gotta tell you 2 but, don't tell the others, i don't need them worrying.

Cthulhu: Okay, wassup?

Y/N: Kluth died, in our fight....and i guess the laws of us mythos put the death onto me.....

Hastur: Are you saying that....

Y/N: I've fallen Hastur, from power...everything. They took all of it.

[Both cthulhu and Hastur both had shocked expressions, Hastur looked more worried then cthulhu did however.]

Cthulhu: Fuck...i didn't think that could actually happen

Y/N: I didn't think so either but, here i am.

[Cthulhu helped you stand up, while Hastur helped you through the portal. Walking through it, you thought to yourself. Did you really kill him? And with that, the portal closed behind you]

A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry if this part seems rushed or bad, im running off of barely any sleep atm so, i apologize. Also after watching hazbin hotel i was thinking of adding it into this story, of course if you all want to see that please let me know! Thank you for reading.

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