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Dedicated to ezzy2609 and mlxsn98 for the request! 😘 


I hope you're in a very dark corner for this very NSFW bonus chapter
For context, this takes place between flames and escape when Sol is 10 but make no mistake it's a Mags and Alphas chapter.

~10 years after Ember & Xander's Wedding~


"Congratulations Alpha, thank you again for inviting us." The last of the party guests finally leave the palace, bringing peace and quiet to my home once more. I love my kids and would do absolutely anything for them, but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy entertaining a hundred screaming children...even if it is for my daughter's birthday party.

The front door shuts with a satisfying thud and I seek respite in the kitchen for something stronger than the soda and juice we've been restricted to on Queen's orders for the duration of the party.

My brother appears to have had the same thought. He's already halfway through his drink, chatting casually with Ember at the breakfast bar.

"Hello sweetheart," I kiss Ember's cheek before fixing myself a drink. "Where is everyone?"

"Xander is helping Mags drop the kids off elsewhere for the night. Cole is spending the night at Hunter's..."

"Which means Sol is, too," I assume with a smirk which she returns.

"That should go without saying. Griffin and Calla are going over to Ianthe's, and Rhys is hanging out with Alec."

"So what I'm hearing you say," Varian purrs playfully, "is that the palace is vacant tonight?"

A sly smile ghosts across her face, a mannerism she's picked up from Mags. "Everyone above the 2nd floor is out for the night, except for us."

I can feel Varian's wolf conjuring up all kinds of dirty ideas of ways we could take full advantage of an empty palace. No need to be quiet, no need to be gentle or hold back. No...tonight our beasts can play.

"Hey, Ember? Since we've got you here, we could use your help with something." Varian says.

"What do my Alphas require of me?" She says playfully, just as playfully as ever without crossing the line. The line Mags and Ember shamelessly flirt with when it comes to Xander and us. But there's a charge to the air that makes me wonder if that's all about to change tonight.

"Today might have been Sol's birthday party, but we also know it's your and Xander's 10th anniversary. Help us out. What can we give to a guy who has everything? What would he like?"

There's a long moment of thoughtful silence where Varian and I watch Ember war with herself about whether or not to give us the truth that sits on the tip of her tongue.

"Come on, Ember, we won't bite. Whatever it is, just tell us." Varian tries to lighten the mood and coax the truth out of her but all he does is draw a blush as red as her hair across her cheeks.

"Fine. But remember you asked." She takes a deep breath and squares her shoulder, looking us confidently in the eyes. "There's only one thing Xander will ever want. He wants her."

My mouth goes dry and my hackles rise from pure instinct. There's no mistaking the "her" she's referring to is Mags. The three of us came to an unspoken understanding with Xander years ago. He can look, but he can't touch. Secretly, a deep, dark part of Varian and I get off on watching him watch us, hearing his agonized groans when Mags comes for us.

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