I Love You, Mina

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The night felt like an eternity for Sana, Chaeyoung, and Mina. But finally, the morning broke, and the trio will finally reconvened at the flower shop as Mina had promised.

The latter arrived a tad early, catching Sana just as she was stirring from her sleeping bag that was set up behind a line of flower pots.

"Hey there, good morning!" Mina greeted, holding up a bulging paper bag.

Sana, still bleary-eyed, squinted at Mina until her features came into focus. Mina was decked out in a ribbon-clipped hairdo, a touch of light makeup, and a snow-white dress layered with a blue cardigan, topped off with shiny loafers.

Sana's face lit up as Mina approached, handing over the paper bag filled with pancakes.

"I managed to convince my mom to double up my breakfast this morni--," Mina began, but her sentence was cut short by a sudden hug from Sana.

"You really didn't have to, but thank you, Mimi!" Sana exclaimed, gratitude evident in her voice.

"Oh..." Sana's surprise was palpable as Chaeyoung suddenly appeared behind Mina, a mischievous grin playing on her lips.

"And I brought hot chocolates to top off the pancakes," Chaeyoung announced, her enthusiasm contagious.

"When did you get here?" Sana asked, her confusion clear in her tone.

"Actually, Chaeyoung's been with me the whole time," Mina explained with a giggle, teasingly adding, "Seems like you're still half-dead from sleep."

Sana could only escape a small chuckles.

"We actually ran into each other at the front of the shop and entered through the back door using the extra keys you gave me on my first day of work. Oh, and this breakfast thing wasn't planned at all," Mina continued, a hint of spontaneity lacing her words.

Chaeyoung nodded in agreement, adding, "Yeah, it just... I don't know, came to my mind last night to wake up early and head here. I picked up some hot chocolates on the way. Didn't expect Mina would also bring something to complete your morning. Well, I hope it does." She scratched her head sheepishly.

Sana's heart swelled with gratitude, her eyes shining with affection as she squeezed both Mina and Chaeyoung tightly in a hug, their cheeks squished between hers.

"What do you mean? Just seeing you two has already made my morning complete!" Sana exclaimed, her voice filled with sincerity.

"Thank you," she whispered, her words carrying the weight of her appreciation as she nestled into the warmth of their embrace.

After their tender moment, Sana decided it was time to shake off the sleepiness and get ready for what was bound to be a busy day. After all, it was the start of the week, Sunday, and that meant business at the flower shop.

Meanwhile, Chaeyoung and Mina had already stationed themselves at the counter. Chaeyoung took it upon herself to help Mina wear the green apron, deftly tying the lace at her back.

"Okay... Just one more tie and we're... done," Chaeyoung murmured softly, her fingers working skillfully. However, she didn't anticipate Mina suddenly turning towards her, almost losing her balance in the process. Acting on instinct, Mina reached out and steadied herself by placing her hands on Chaeyoung's shoulder blades, a small gasp escaping her lips. Thankfully, Chaeyoung reacted quickly, securing Mina's waist to prevent her from falling. In that moment, their bodies were mere inches apart, the air between them charged with a subtle electricity.

"You okay, Mina?" Chaeyoung inquired, their eyes locking in a moment of unexpected intimacy. It was the first time Chaeyoung had the opportunity to observe Mina's features up close – her bangs framing her face perfectly, her captivating Japanese eyes that Chaeyoung could easily get lost in, and the delicate mole adorning the bridge of her nose, another just above her lips. Oh, and then there was that scent, that delicate floral fragrance that enveloped Chaeyoung's senses, weaving its way into her sinuses. It seemed to add an extra layer of beauty to Mina, enhancing her already captivating presence.

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