part XVII - i don't believe you + 🎂3

Start from the beginning

" You're like half correct but, " I debated with myself whether or not tell to her, but I'll end up somehow telling her later on anyways, " We were like besties before all of this. Her stupid mom basically cheated with my biological dad and for some reason- "

I stopped, my chest suddenly feeling heavy. I couldn't breathe really well.

I turn to her to see her staring at me weirdly. Or maybe she wasn't staring at me weirdly, maybe it's just me. She was like kind of admiring me? I don't know, but she had heart eyes.

Forgetting about my heavy chest, I continued. " Then Wonyoung just decided to hate me and blame me w-which was stupid because it's not my fault?! " I sighed, " And the bag incident where I accidentally 'ruined' her expensive bag when I only poured a single drip of water on it. And the fact she was asking me to pay back? I already said sorry! But y'know what's the horrible part about this? "

I felt anger in my body just by talking about Wonyoung. I stared at Yoona, still staring at me.

" Did you not hear me?! "

" I did. "

" So answer me! Y'know what's the horrible part about this? " She shook her head nervously as if I was holding her hostage.

" Wonyoung had already bought a new bag and she doesn't even care about the old one anymore! First she hates me, then she tries to scam me as if she doesn't already know how much I cried every night. " I said with my voice shaking and trembling on every word, " Fuck her! She doesn't deserve to live at all, and now she decides to say sorry?! W-What does she expect?! I won't and will never accept her stupid, meaningless apology! "

I breathed heavily, my chest visibly rising up and down.

" Hey, are you okay? " Yoona softly asked. Looking at me with concern.

She gently wiped off tears that I didn't know was falling off my face. I backed off from her hands, a bit startled that she was doing this and wiped the tears off my face instead.

" Um, yeah- I'm fine. " I mumbled, " I wasn't crying. "

" It's okay to cry, Yunjin. "

I sniffled, trying to hold in my tears by clenching my fists and jaw as I stared down at the floor. " I wasn't crying. " I repeated.

" You can let it out, y'know. " She said, " No one is forcing you to hold it. "

" But I'm forcing myself! "

" It'll be better if you let it out. "

" I-I- " I sniffled again, biting my cheeks, trying everything not to burst out in front of a pretty and attractive woman like her. Clearing my voice, the sad feelings stepped back and I was finally able to talk again, " I'm fine. "

" Okay, if you say so. " She said, giggling a bit. Why is she talking in this tone? Does she want to watch me cry?



that annoying puppy

Yoona unnie


U wanna come to my house?



it's not your house
it's you

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