Start from the beginning

"I don't want a picture of myself. It's the fact that you won't be needing it. You're going to be seeing a lot more of me because of the decisions you've made tonight. Isn't that what you wanted?" Jeongguk reminds him.

He isn't wrong and Jimin knows it. He chews on the inside of his cheek, looking away. His feet shuffle but he doesn't move. He knew what he wanted before everything happened tonight and so soon as well as unpredictably. Now, he's just as confused as he was when they were mere inklings.

"You aren't regretting the choices you've made, are you? There's still time to backtrack. I can do just as I've done before, showing up only when you need me and not because you seem to enjoy  purposefully putting your life in danger," Jeongguk mentions, rolling his tongue into his bottom lip. "...But you know what's out there now and one might argue that you're safer because of it. But you aren't. It will only put you in more danger."

"You're trying to scare me away," Jimin alleges boldly after taking a second to collect his thoughts. "This is what I want. I still want you to tell me everything."

Jeongguk's eyes spend a short amount of time lingering over the blond's small frame before he simply turns around and begins walking down the alleyway. The level of Jimin's pinched expression only seems to be increasing as each word Jeongguk utters or action he pursues develops into a spectacle. And lucky for him, he has front row seats.

"Keep up. I won't come running after you if you take a wrong turn," Jeongguk says from a distance.

Jimin sighs, doing the best that he can to avoid putting too much thought into his snarky remarks. All they seem to be are empty threats.

He catches up to Jeongguk, staying a reasonable distance away. His hands are stuffed into the pockets of the man's leather jacket, sleeves bunched from the size difference. He isn't too sure where they're going but the silence during their walk gives him some time to think.

As much as Jimin hates to admit it, he's still as fascinated with Jeongguk as he was before the man opened his mouth. His life has been dull for so long, lacking a luster he thought his dream job (at the time) would bring him. Aside from the occasional outing with Taehyung, he spent just about every waking moment inside of a small box. And he even enjoyed it. Now, he doesn't know what to make of his employment or his best friend. The only thing he seems sure about right now are his curiosities involving the handsome douchebag in front of him and the fact that vampires are real.

"We're here. Are you wearing your big boy pants?" Jeongguk asks, folding his arms over his broad chest.

At that same moment, Jimin makes a realization that he unthinkingly grazed over amidst his obsession with discovering Jeongguk's true identity. His attention shifts from his dress shoes to the brown-haired man cautiously.

"Vampires are real," he mutters, taking a single step back. "...Are you...?"

Jeongguk places his hands on his hips; the weight of his irritation is noted profoundly on his face. "A monster?"

There are so many things that Jimin wants to say but the words refuse to form on his tongue. He feels even smaller than he already felt while being in Jeongguk's jacket.

"Are you?" Jimin asks once more, this time quite sharply.

Jeongguk hums, tilting his head to the side. He saunters in the way of Jimin's direction, stopping right in front of him. He reaches one of his hands forward, placing an index finger below his chin, tilting his head to the side.

Jimin swallows automatically at the feeling of an arid throat. He feels Jeongguk's lips brush up against the shell of his ear. The action itself is elusive and simple but the repercussions it has on his body are drastic.

DISTORTED DESIRE | JIKOOK (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now