[ENG] ch. 1

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The Kingdom of Amburse has fallen. Its remaining citizens scatter like ants whose nest has been trampled, including the nobles who often frequented the palace. When their king lay in a pool of blood, the throne became nothing more than a mere wooden chair.

Alresca Souvense, the eighth princess of Amburse, fled with all her might. Empty-handed. The servants paid no attention to the pitiful princess because, fundamentally, Alresca was an unwanted daughter. There was no future for her after her only supporter, her father, fell.

With great difficulty, the girl left behind her status and home, running aimlessly into the wilderness in the south, the only way out of the small palace once belonging to her late mother. Night to morning, morning to night again, until the sounds of explosions and people's screams faded from her ears and mind. Alresca's breath chased the rhythm of her heart, which kept pumping blood, pulsating, moving her tired legs and mind tirelessly.

She ran for who knows how long and where she could stop.


"Look at this gooseberry, there are so many, haha!"

Young soldiers under Cadius's guidance were exploring the forest. A white horse carrying the royal crown, followed by dozens of heads equal to the horse's back, guided them along the northern border of the Valvhanra Empire.

The royal crown was undisturbed by the joyous sounds of his new subordinates. Their laughter and camaraderie echoed like crickets in broad daylight, a melody blending with nature. Cadius just had to close his eyes and focus on the cool forest breeze brushing his face. No need to exert his emotions today. He wanted to rest while being away from the busyness of his duties as the crown prince.

That was before he felt a sudden pain in his chest.

His eyes squinted, and his breath slowed. This feeling was like hundreds of flower buds piercing his vital organs gently.

Cadius swallowed saliva, clutching his left chest. His eyes glanced to each side, right and left, trying to calm himself by looking at the lush green scenery while figuring out who or what was trying to attack him.

Could it be... Was there a holy power owner around here?

His mind speculated, anticipating the arrival of the faction he most avoided.

"Spread out. Someone has entered the border area."

Cadius gave the command. His voice was deep and authoritative, yet loud. In line with his status as a member of the royal family.

The young soldiers promptly formed a formation, facing the horse Cadius was riding in an upright position. Hands saluted.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

The salute was given, then they scattered into groups heading in all eight directions.

Cadius still held his aching chest, urging his horse to follow the gradually increasing pain. His temples were damp, sweating from restraining the pain.

As the horse brought him into the forest, the sound of rustling bushes and footsteps became audible. Light but hurried footsteps. And, more strangely, the sound of uneven steps.

A pair of feet.

Not the sound of shoes?

Cadius narrowed his eyes, his ears focused on the footsteps that became clearer as he followed the footsteps in pain.

When Cadius looked ahead, a figure with tattered clothes ran out of the mist. Among tree trunks and bushes, the silhouette piled up with white mist. Cadius's gaze focused on the tiny figure while his hand squeezed his chest, wrinkling his royal garments a bit.

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