Chapter 2

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Suffocating. The word most suitable to describe this feeling. My eyes grow heavy but I'm not sleepy. A foreign and unfamiliar substance fills my lungs. And my heart feels as if it's being crushed slowly in between two gentle palms.

Irritating. The word I want to use to describe my feelings. I'm not sleepy so why are my eyes heavy? I'm trying to breathe yet something foreign fills and blocks my lungs. And this painful feeling in my heart makes me want to punch a hole into my chest and bring my heart out.

Terrifying. The word I'm actually feeling right now. My eyes are heavy even though I'm not sleepy, as if it's being sewn shut. I'm gasping for air yet none came, instead a foreign liquid fills my mouth from my lung. And no matter how much I cry and beg for this agony to stop my heart continues to throb in immense pain.

Confused. Is the state I'm in. Due to the heavy weights on my eyes I find it difficult to pry them open and look around. My limbs felt numb and won't move no matter how much I'm trying to get it to. Cold air blew to me from every direction. On top of that I'm feeling as if I'm floating, I can't feel any ground or wall around me. As if I'm in an empty space. I'm as confused and vulnerable as a newborn baby. Unaware of my surroundings and just waiting for someone, something or anything to reach to me. Well, except for the distant voice that seems to keep calling for me.

Where am I? How did I end up here? Is this a dream? Aren't I supposed to be dead? But I wasn't alone, was I? [Redacted]! Where's [redacted]? Wait, who's that...? Who's... [redacted]...? A train of questions and the voice continuously torment me. But the voice slowly overwhelmed the train of questions and snapped me back to my senses after I heard it called my name.

"Ezra ..." The eerily sweet voice called out to me. And suddenly, my eyes pried themselves open and found myself in front of an androgynous figure with gigantic pure white wings and bright light shining from behind them.

A cloth is tied loosely around the being's eyes, hiding them from mine. Their seemingly neverending pairs of wings come with infinite eyes that are all fixed on me as if to make up for the lack of attention from the main pair, terrified I am. But at the same time I can't help but feel giddy having so many eyes only on me.

My lips froze, halting for words as I do not know what to make off of the display before my eyes. I want to believe that this is a dream, it has to be with how otherworldly this figure before me is. But I know it's not, at least not with the bone chilling presence of this entity, or creature, or figure, or being before me.

As if sensing my discomfort and awe the entity gave out a light chuckle and tilted it's head at me. "Oh Ezra, you must be terrified, aren't you, you poor thing? Be not afraid, little one for this form is merely a decoy." Was what the entity asks of me, but I failed to do so the moment it admitted that its appearance is merely a fake one.

"Why- Who- What are you...?" I ask with worry while trying my best to keep my eyes on its main pairs instead of the other infinites more. But once again, the entity chuckled at me, this time flashing a smile which ended up showing off it's terrifyingly sharp teeth that seems to be at least a hundred.

"As I've said, be not afraid, little one. I will take care of everything, so sleep." And with that I start to feel myself growing drowsy before eventually passing out. The last thing I recalled was the entity's creepy smile as it catches me.

I just hope my ending is not being this creature's meal.


And that's it for this chapter peeps 😚.

New character!
Name : Will only be referred to as "The entity" and "The figure".
Age : ?
Species : ?
Gender : None.
Personality : Sadomasochistic. Arrogant. Narcissistic.

Some writing details I put into this chapter!

1. Constantly changing what the figure is called and its pronouns.
-This is because this chapter is written in Ezra's point of view, therefore showing how confused the boy is of the creature before him!

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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