Chapter 15

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A shiver runs down my back, but I brush it off. "Why did I let you go first?" 

"Because, you - and I quote - didn't feel ready to share your list lest you be judged." Hitch looks in his element. His stature is unwavering in the slight wind.

"I did not say lest." I shook my hands, hoping that it would cover the unrelenting vibrations buzzing through them.

It hasn't even been a week since we agreed he could go first, and he immediately booked us two tickets to his escapade. Now I have my head pounding, and can't stop swallowing the dryness in my mouth. My heart is hitting against my chest hard.

"I'm paraphrasing." He shrugged, kicking up dirt with his feet.

I attempt to de-stress by following his footsteps and inhaling each time I notice his chest rising.

He extracts a matchstick and a loose cigarette from his pocket. He presses it between his lips and quickly scrapes his fingernail across the match's tip.

A flame appears, and he presses it against the cigarette. Holding it there until smoke appears from it.

"Would you like one? Should ease some of the anxiety." He takes a breath, inhaling deeply, his cheeks hollowing as he takes the chemicals in

I know I can wash the taste out of my mouth, and chew a piece of gum, but I also know the feeling will linger. I know the amount of poison I've drank should be a worse thought, but I can't get myself to take it.

"What happened to your lighter?" I watch as he exhales a grey puff and shakes the match's flame off.

"Left it in the car. Didn't want to lose it." He rolled the match between his fingers, watching it twist.

"Do you want to take my jacket on loan? You're shaking like a leaf."

"No. Just nerves. Wasn't planning on defying gravity today." I shook my head, my legs aching from the short walk.

We hadn't talked much in the past days, even less on the car ride. Watching from the window as trees replaced buildings. Out here the air was harsh, a thickness that I struggled to take in. 

I was not benefiting from months of idleness. "How much longer are we going to be walking for?"

I struggled to keep a casualty while I spoke in between gasps. I'd put it down to pride, but it also could be fear. The fear of weakness showing through my thin skin.

"Not sure. We'll get there when we get there I guess. The website said it would be a straight shot." His strides slowed, as though he were aware that mine were beginning to stagger.

"Are you supposed to be smoking up here? Shouldn't we be worrying about forest fires? You know, only you can prevent them." My foot slipped, but I caught myself, attempting to cover it by checking my still tightly knotted laces.

I couldn't lie, it was peaceful out here. It was quiet, the sounds of birds piercing through every so often. 

"Okay, Smokey. There hasn't been a burn ban since last month. The trees are too damp to light. Honestly, they might be overdue for a controlled burn." He tapped the cigarette, the ashes falling into the wet ground.

I knew if a ranger caught him, he'd probably be fined at the very least, but I don't think the thought would bother him one bit. 

"You seemed pretty apprehensive when I told you what we were doing today, you're not scared of heights are you?" He began to match my pace, his steps becoming shorter. Taking one step for every two of mine.

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