°Robots And Saviors°

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Of course, the three of them went into different test areas. By a twist of fate, Freminet was with Izuku, Uraraka and the stuck up guy with glasses. Freminet glanced around at all the other teenagers, seeing them nervous, or overly confident. Like a certain blonde with spiky hair.

Freminet didn't want to go anywhere near him. He screamed trouble, the bad kind.


When he turned towards the voice, it was Midoriya. Seeing his gaze on him made the kid swallow nervously.

"U-um, thank you!"

He suddenly made a complete bow, startling Freminet into taking a step back.

"You saved me from a fall, so did Uraraka but..."

When he straightened up, he glanced to the glasses guy with a stern face. When Midoriya turned to him, he tried to make a smile, but it seemed so nervous and a bit... Pathetic, sadly.

"S-so, your quirk..."

Freminet turned his gaze away a little, being unable to look at Midoriya directly.

"I don't think you should ask without offering information on yours first."

Midoriya flinched before looking down, and scratching his cheek.

"Well, mine is... A little..."

Freminet was sure Midoriya only wanted to make conversation in hopes of making friends... But Lyney had told him to be careful around everyone here...

"All right listeners!"

At Mics voice, everyone turned to the automated door. He repeated the rules, and the point system until the door leading to the test grounds opened. Everyone waited for Mic to say 'go!' All except one blonde teenagers that flew past the door with the help of explosions that erupted from his hands. His crazy grin as he moved past them was enough to make anyone flinch.



Mic shouted after the blonde.

"That's right! There's no countdown in real battles!"

Upon hearing that, Freminet and the stuck up teenager with glasses had the same reaction.


Midoriya flinched when he heard that leave Freminet, but he was more shocked when he was the next one running forward. He hurried to follow, but wasn't fast enough to catch up to him.

Then, he saw Freminet move his hands back. A frosty blade manifested on its own and moved along with Freminet to take down two robots.

Mic couldn't contain his excitement.

"Oho! Would you look at that!?"

Midoriya couldn't help himself from stopping, his gaze on Fremient as he moved so easily through obstacles, and people, all while carrying such a heavy weapon.


Wasn't Freminet, fighting practically quirkness...?

Midoriya slapped his face, the sting across his cheeks made his amazement dwindle. Calm down... He looked back up, quickly realizing he was running out of robots to defeat.



Lynette landed on a robot and skewered it with her sword, saving a pink haired girl from its warth. She jumped back, and did a backflip before landing gracefully. She threw her sword to another robot with scary accuracy, before running towards it. Leaving the yellow eyed girl to stare in wonder, and fascination.

Lyney, Lynette and Freminet in My hero academia Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt