"Just get off my back," I groan.

"We're looking out for you, as well as him," Kanji sighs.

"Friends don't do this to each other," I grunt.

"They do if they care."

"Kanji, please," I beg. "Can we just move on?"

"I don't want to be involved in your web of lies, Yu."

"You know I'm a good person," I frown.

"Not after this." He shakes his head.

"It's one measly thing," I snap.

"One measly thing turned into a whole complicated mess of lies and fraud."

"She helps him," I say. "She helps him more than you could know."

"And she's not real."


"Until you tell him... We're not friends."

"Don't say that," I whisper.

"I don't agree with this," he sighs. "He's never gonna like a guy; let alone you."

"He's in love with me."

"He's in love with her."

"Which means he must love some part of me," I say.

"Is there any part of you that's left?"

"What does that mean?"

What, does he think I'm going to forget who I am, or something? Is he stupid?

"I wouldn't mind breaking the news to him," Naoto shrugs.

"It's not your place," Kanji says.

"Thank you, though," I sigh.

"So, what, then?" Kanji frowns. "Is it over?"

"I can't just—"

He turns his back on me, swinging his bag around his shoulder.

"Kanji," I plead.

"Goodbye, Senpai."


"Is this the one he likes?" Nanako asks, handing me a jar of mustard.

"I think so," I nod.

"Yay!" She smiles.

"Let's go pay for these, alright?"

"Okay," she giggles.

I hold her hand, turning around to see some guy standing behind a shelf.

I try to ignore him, but...

Is he looking at us?

I can only see his eyes. They're bright blue and he's got some sort of scar across his face, in the shape of a cross.

Definitely not somebody you'd want to be alone with in a dark alley.

"Come on, Nanako," I murmur, trying to guide her out of his direction.

She doesn't ask any questions.

I look back, and he's gone, just like that.

I'd know if he was still here; his red hair stood out way too much...

I try to push him out of my mind, but there was something... weird about him.

Something I can't quite explain.


Yosuke's POV:

"No fair," Teddie yells. "I wanna go on the class trip, too!"

How Could You? (Souyo)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora