Celia St. James is an arrogant bitch (V.)

Start from the beginning

'Go inside!' I heard Taylor's voice coming from outside of my trailer. I raised my eyebrows. What the hell is going on?

'You're not my boss anymore, you can't just force me to do as you say' Y/N fought back. 

'Oh watch me!' and with that, the writer dragged the Y/H/C haired girl inside and without saying another word to us, left and locked the door. 

'No spare key this time' she shouted from outside. 

'You seriously need to stop doing that, Taylor! You can't just lock people inside trailers like it's a normal Sunday afternoon activity for you, you hear me?' Y/N yelled and tried to open the door. 

'I think she left' I shrugged. 'Looks like you're stuck with me. Again. But hey, we can have sex. Again!' I smirked. 

'Can you shut up, Jenna? Was it your idea? Did you tell her to do that?' now it was my turn to be yelled at. 

'No, I had no idea she was planning to do this. But I'm glad she did. Now you HAVE to talk with me, you can't just run away like you did in the past weeks.'

'I'm not talking to you' she rolled her eyes, crossed her arms and sat down in front of the door like a cranky toddler.

'Are you actually gonna sit there until she comes back?' I chuckled to myself, she was cute. 

'You got a problem with that, Ortega?' she rolled her eyes again. 

'Stop rolling your eyes at me!'

'Stop being annoying!' 

'Quit your attitude, woman!' I got up and sat down in front of her. 'Why are you hating on me again? I thought we are past that phase' I smiled gently at her. 

'It's not a phase' she rolled her eyes... I swear she's gonna stay like that once and for all.. 'And because you're a dick.' 

'How am I a dick? I apologized to you, I apologized SIX times, Y/N. The dick here is you, if you ask me.'

'Whatever makes you sleep at night, Ortega.'

'Alright. I tried to be nice but no, it didn't work' I seriously had enough of her and her behavior. 

I caught her wrist and pulled her towards me with all my strength. Her lips ended up on mine but before I could really start enjoying the moment, I felt a sharp pain on my right cheek. She pushed me away and hit me. Damn, she's strong.

I took a deep breath, caught her wrist again and made a second attempt to kiss her. She tried to push me away one more time, but luckily I was stronger than her. And finally, she gave up. She calmed down and kissed me back. 

'Funny how Taylor's plans always work on us' I smiled once she pulled away to get some air. 

'Shut up' she sighed. 'And what now? What do you want from me, Jenna?' 

'I don't know? Maybe a date? I want to get to know you more. I want to see where this thing will go.'

'I don't know...'

'You don't have to know, Y/N. We can just try. If it's not working out, it's not working out but at least we tried. You know, better an oops than a what if. And I would like to give it a try, if you let me. I won't mess it up, I promise' I caressed her cheek with my thumb. 

And she just rolled her eyes with a small smile on her lips. 

The movie was a big hit, everyone loved it. Taylor and the rest of the crew did an amazing job. Y/N was nominated for an Oscar and I wasn't, yet I couldn't be happier for her. Ironic, isn't it? 

Having her and being with her meant everything to me. It meant more than getting a stupid award. I won a lot more with that movie than an Oscar. I found the love of my life, a sassy, bossy and extremely stubborn girl who barely tolerates me, gives me a lot of attitude and eye rolls on the daily, bullies me for fun but that's why I fell in love with her in the first place, isn't it? 

I never knew a love like hers. It's different from anything I've experienced in the past. I was right, she is worth everything and more. 

'Are you nervous? Your category is almost up' I touched her arm gently, squeezing it a little. 

'Jenna, it's one of the biggest awards in an actor's life. Even the fact that I was nominated is huge but actually winning it would be the absolute dream. Of course I'm nervous, stop asking stupid questions' Y/N rolled her eyes and focused back on the stage. 

'That's why I love you' I laughed a little. A small smile formed on her lips.

'I love you too. Now be quiet and listen' she whispered.

To tell the truth, I couldn't wait for this ceremony to be over. Of course I wanted her to win and wanted to support her but I was way too excited for Taylor to finally lock us in her dressing room after the Oscars, so I could ask the most arrogant bitch to spend the rest of her life with me and marry me.

I just know for a fact that she's gonna roll her eyes at me. 

A/N: hi, it's been a while :)

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