|| Chapter Nine||

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Here I am , sat in my car , outside of a hospital 

I'm waiting on Arthur and Alex , I havnt gotten any news on Charles , just a quick text from Alex 2 hours ago asking if I could pick up her and Arthur 

I left elvis with Lewis and roscoe, so that's one thing I didn't have to worry about 

Finally at the doors I see Alex and Arthur walk out , their faces tear stained , red , and puffy.

I'm not going to sit and wait for them to come to the car

I quickly jump out and run towards them , grabbing them both into a hug , in which Alex bursts out crying again 

"Woah woah woah , what happen" I hold her as she falls to the ground , i gentler sit her down and sit myself down next to her 

"He dosnt care about me" she smiles up to me , tears pouring from her eyes 

"Oh alex.."my voice is soft as I pull her into a hug 

"Arth"I grab his hand , pulling him down next to me , using my other arm to hug him 

" he , he remembers , just chose to ignore people and care about others" he gulps down his words 

"You guys need sleep , it's 4 am"I wipe the tears from alexs eyes 

"No no noo" she cries out "he only cares about you!" She shouts at me , throwing her head into her hands 

"What's that supposed to mean" I ask confused 

I get no answer from the both of them , this not answering my question 

"Guys please , it's freezing we have to go to the hotel" I figure they're just tired 

I stands up , the both of them give eachother a side glance before standing up and following me 

They're acting wierd , but once again they're just tired , I watch as they both climb into the back seat 

The car ride was completely silent , just a few sniffles and deal breathes , I pull up to the hotel and the two leave the car immidentally , leaving me running after them to catch up 

"Want me to walk you too your hotel room" I ask Alex 

"Leave me alone." She snaps back at me 

"What is your problem! It's not my fault is it" I cry , why was she acting so mean 

"My problem. You introduced me to a boy who had feeling for you , the whole time!" She bites 

"How was I meant to know that exactly" I pause 

She ignores me and walks off , suddenly I get it 

"Arth please" I beg but he stops me 

"Arthur." Is all he says 

"Arthur, what happened , what did I miss" I step closer to him but he takes a step back 

"When we got there ,Charles was asleep , as soon as he woke up , he didn't remember anything about the crash , we had to explain it to him , he ignored alex the whole time ,but he asked about you , when we asked him why , he got embarrassed and giggled a bit , that's when he explained how he likes you and I would of been embarrassing if you saw him crash" he huffs

I freeze taking everything in "I thought he knew about us.." I tell him 

"Us , we was never anything , we was never us." He rolls his eyes before storming off 

What the fuck

What the fuck

Oh my god 

Tears start streaming through my eyes , I grab my phone and message lando 

Lando what room are you in ? Can I come over for a bit please

I message him , it's not long untill I get a reply and I rush to his room , wiping the tears from my face 

Room 233 , I repeat in my head as I reach the 3rd floor where his room is located 

It didn't even have to knock when the door swings open and I am in Landos embrace , crying my eyes out 

Me and Lando was actually really close , closer than anyone knew actually , after my dad died , I never told anyone this but , other than seb, I would only answer his calls , he would try cheer me up , make funny jokes , explain how things are going , tell me about his day , tell me to watch his streams , all sorts 

We became very close friends , well too me he was a close friend 

I was there when his girlfriend broke up with him , he was so upset , and I was there , Christ he was the reason I got up that day , I drove 2 hours to make sure he was ok 

"Your okay , cmon" he re assured me , staying hugging me while somewhat taking me over too his bed 

He sits me down before breaking away from the hug 

"What happend" he asks worried 

"What didn't" i scoff wiping away the tears from my face 

He smiles at my joke "seriously please explain to me what happend , get comfy if you want , if you cold you can lay in the bed , scratch that , your laying in it anyway , ahve you felt them , they're soo comfortable" he stands up pulling away the blanket , I smile before jumping in and moving up so he can get in " so we watching a movie while you explain what happen orrr" he turns his head to me

"Let's watch a movie" I Giggle 

"Ok but I'm picking this time" he smiles before grabbing the tv remote 

"Thank you lando" I lean my head on his shoulder 

"Tangled?" The screen lights up with the start of tangled playing "now , I really can't have you acting like this , what happend." He goes deadly serious 

I let out a huff , and start to explain 

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