A Sharper Blade

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Mizuki POV:
Slowly the four villians form a barrier around me, cornering me against the wall. One of the men is first to step forward, a sickening smirk on his face as he twirls his blade between his fingers. He stands slightly over 6 feet, his build is muscular and he has tattoos littering his skin from the neck down. "Well aren't you a pretty thing?" He feigns in a sweet tone, licking his lips and slowly taking a step towards me. I stand still taking in his every move while simultaneously eyeing the other three individuals all scouting an arrogant curdled smile.
"Aww you not gonna talk back to us? Are you to scared?" Another man speaks up from the opposite side, "Don't worry, we're not gonna hurt ya, we just want to play." This time its the women to speak, her crimson hair hanging in high ponytails on either side of her head. I still make no effort to speak back to them instead i slowly take a step back to which they all take one step closer.
Good they're idiots too, so this should be rather easy...
The last man speaks up from the middle of the pack, with a much less playful tone to his voice. "Let's stop messin around, im ready to have some fun!" He lunges forward thrashing his weapon towards my stomach as i jump back missing the blow with ease. The others take this opportunity to each take a turn throwing punches and weapons at me, to which I dodge, but with less ease than before. The girl pulls out a crossbow and fires a round that grazes the side of my cheek causing a dribble of blood to fall from my skin. I wince, but manage to dodge the remainders of their attacks. They all stop to catch their breath, some panting more than others but all of them now void of their smiling faces from before. We stand in the complete opposite position of where we started. Them close to the back of the wall and me on the outer portion my back to the open arena.
"This is ridiculous, take the little brat out" the women spats, "Shut up!! What do ya' think I'm trying to do!" The brute yells back. They all start bickering among each other giving me the perfect distraction for my next move. Flicking my wrist to the side, a small stream of water slowly starts to pool at my feet. None of the villians have taken notice, too occupied fighting about who was going to 'finish the job.' In one swift motion i gather the small pond Ive formed and push the water with extreme force towards the villains. The waves current knocks them back and throws them against the wall where I keep the water stagnant, they are unable to move their arms and legs and the water slowly creeps up their necks and engulfs their heads. They scream and thrash under the tide and eventually one by one fall limp. Once i am sure they are all unconscious I pull the water back and they fall to the ground, their clothes making a splat on the rock below. I let go of my control on the water and fall to my knees, my lungs burning from exhaustion.
It's not like this is any harder than what I did at the last test, why am I so exhausted? Maybe its the headache, gosh my brain feels like its trying to break away from my skull!
I regain some composure and slowly stumble to stand. I turn towards the open space and take strides towards a loud commotion not too far ahead of me, but what I see makes my blood run cold.
I stand in wide eyed horror as I watch my uncle's face be shoved into the ground while the monstrous beast twists his arms to an obtuse angle breaking it like a twig behind his back. The sickening crack paired with his excruciating screams leaves me trembling, my knees buckling as I fall to the ground. I can feel the air hitch in my lungs as I kneel frozen from the horrendous sight.
"You can erase quirks. Thats wonderful but its nothing impressive." The blue haired man speaks from infront of my uncle, his voice is a drab lull almost teasing, patronizing him.
He's... just toying with him?....
He continues speaking while the creature carry's on with its assault to Aizawa who lay defenseless on the ground.
Another punch.. **Scream**. Blood splatters, ** A women begging, crying for help.
Visions start to flash through my minds, like a broken tape projecting on a screen. I feel my blood start to rise in temperature, each cell moving like magma through my veins. Then a stabbing agonizing pressure rips through my head. I grab onto my hair and pull trying to subdue the pain anyway I can. A strangled scream gets caught in my throat and i fall into a fetal position and begin convulsing, My eyes are bulging practically breaking out of my skull and my breathing comes in shallow puffs as I fight against the unconsciousness that is pulling me in. I can hear a scream in my mind, its feral almost animalistic. Nails are scratching at the thin layer of tissue between my brain and skull. Infront of me I can see flashes of yellow and white moving rapidly between Aizawa and the mystery man.
All... Might.
He deals a deadly blow to the monstrous beast sending him flying through the ceiling and beyond the sky. He then sets his sights onto the man covered in cement hands. Based on the bruises and cuts all over his tanned skin he is well past his limit, but the man advances towards him.
He's not moving.... He cant move. I have to...
Still writhing in pain I attempt to use the last ounce of strength i have to drag myself towards All Might. Im not sure what I can do, but lying here while my family is blown to dust is not how these hero's raised me. Suddenly a flash of neon green rushes through the air, and I see the small frame of Midordiya break through the cloud of dust. His legs are obviously broken and dangling in the air behind him, but his face is full of trepidation as he raises his only good arm ready to land his mark, "Stay away from ALL MIGHT!!!!!" He screams from the top of his lungs. Out of nowhere the vortex erupts infront of Midordiya and a hand reaches out to grasp his face.
He has no defense!!
"MIDORI- AHHHHHHH!!!" Again another riveting wave of pain rips through my head, shooting down my spine and paralyzing my limbs. I screech in pain, but it is covered by the commotion of the fight infront of me. I hear a voice now in the front of my mind, almost whispering in my ear, "Sleep now..... Little Lily..." a conniving laugh echos through my mind as my body stiffens. I can barely control how my body is moving, convulsing on the ground as my eyes roll back into my head.
Someone.... Help... me.
I am unaware what happens next, all I can hear is the sound of gunshots. And a pair of warm big hands lifting my stiff body from the concrete. The seductive smell of sweet flowers is the last thing that I remember before plunging into a new welcoming darkness.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 12 ⏰

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