Rescue?? I dont think so

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The next day began much less exciting as the school had fallen back into its normal pattern. I had spent most of the night tossing and turning for some reason, unable to get even a few hours of decent sleep. When my alarm went off I roughly hit it groaning in the process. I slowly swung my legs over the side of the bed  and lazily stood up to walk to the bathroom. I quickly brush my teeth and throw my hair into a low messy bun before walking back to my room and changing into my uniform. The walk to school wasn't particularly interesting besides the consistent teasing from Aizawa about my bed head and dark bags. I huff it off, not having enough energy to come up with any stellar insults. We part ways at the entrance and I switch out my shoes and make my way up to my classroom. Once again I'm one of the first to arrive, dragging my feet I make my way over to my seat and flop down. I fold my arms over my desk and rest my head on top, half gazing out the window. Before I know it, my mind starts to slip into unconsciousness as the dim light of the morning warms the tops of my cheeks.
'A few minutes won't hurt...'

Todoroki POV:
I come into the classroom around 20 minutes before class starts, and am not surprised by the lack of presence in the room. I make my way over to my seat and quietly sit down placing my bag on the hook and getting out my phone to scroll. A few minutes pass and a familiar fair skinned girl trudges to her seat. Her hair is in a low bun and her tie is slightly loose,
'I dont think I've ever seen her with her hair up.'
Lost in her own thoughts she slumps into her seat, not even giving the normal awkward good morning. I watch out of the corner of my eye as she lays her head down on her desk, shes turned towards the windows so I can't see her face. I study her, the way loose hairs fall from her bun and how her back rises and falls in a simple rhythm.  Im not sure how long I watch her, but at some point I hear soft snores. Her head shifts as she turns in her light slumber, allowing me to get a look at her face.
'She looks so peaceful like this.'
As students begin to file in, I turn my gaze away from the girl, not wanting to draw attention. The bustle of the other students doesn't bother her at all, her form never stirring. The class door makes a loud smack causing her to jump, a small string of drool falling from her chin. Aizawa sensei steps in and announces a turn of events for todays class.

Mizuki POV:
I wake with a jolt at the slamming of the classroom door. My eyes lazily focus on the figure at the front of the class, quickly recognizing that it is Aizawa, I stretch in my seat and do my best to sit as if I hadn't been lost in dream land 2 minutes prior, wiping the bit of drool off my chin. I notice a dull ache forming at the back of my head, but brush it off as poor neck support from sleeping on the desk. Aizawa announces that today the class would be run by three instructors rather than just himself, including All Might and a mysterious 3rd that he left undisclosed. He goes on to explain that today we will be learning and practicing rescues at an off campus facility. Of course, growing up surrounded by the professors and hero's at U.A i know exactly where we are headed, and now learning that this is a rescue operation, i have a pretty good idea who our third instructor will be. As the class erupts into awhhs and excitement I wait for Aizawa to give the rest of the instructions.
Once we are dismissed we all head to the bus to prepare for departure. Sensei told us that the choice to wear our costumes was up to us and of course the majority of the class uses this as an opportunity to sport their flashy wardrobes, however one boy stands in the crowd adorning his gym uniform instead.
I guess his uniform did get pretty torn up during the last tests...
I stand in the crowd dazing off into space while waiting for us to board the bus. Im so lost in my own world i dont even notice Jiro walking up to me until her hand is on my shoulder. "Ya, are you okay? You seem even more quiet than usual today?" I sheepishly smile and scratch the back of my neck "haha yeah im fine! I just didnt get a lot of sleep last night and its given me a little headache." She frowns at my statement and gives me a light slap on the shoulder, "You've got to take care of yourself, you cant be tired like this when we go on missions! Lucky for you, Im pretty strong too, soo just stick with me." We laugh at her tease but are interrupted by a piercing screech coming from the front of the bus. Iida stands at attention while incessantly blowing a whistle to guide us into formation. The high pitch of the whistle causes my ears to ring and turns my small headache into a minor throb. As we get on the bus, I find a seat close to the back next to the window and quickly file in. Everyone else sits with their friends and excitedly talk about the day ahead, while I use this travel time as much needed rest. Again I find my mind slipping into a hazy sleep as my body melts with the bumps of the road.

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