Finally a normal Class event..... kinda

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    After talking to All Might I ran to the locker room to change back into my school uniform. I made it back just in time for closing remarks from Aizawa-sensei and managed to make it to my desk without too much attention from the other students. Looking around, everyone seemed to have made it out of the exercise with little to no damage, that is until I looked to the front of my row and noticed the blank seat where a certain freckled boy usually sits.
'His injuries were pretty serious... I hope he's ok. Maybe I'll stop by the nurses office and check on him after class?'
I continue replaying the events of Midoriya and Bakugou's fight in my mind. The building was pretty much left inhabitable, just a shell of it's former state. My eyes begin to wander to my left settling on Bakugou. His head is low, and I'm unable to make out the expression on his face, but I can only guess that its despair or frustration. It's never easy losing a fight, especially to a childhood friend. Eventually Aizawa finishes out the day and we stand before being dismissed. Bakugou is the first to leave, and Kirishima quickly runs after him. I can hear them talking but can't make out exactly what they're saying. I finish gathering my things and start for the door, but am stopped by a group of the students waiting at the front of the room.
"Fugiwara-San we were gonna go check up on Midoriya in the infirmary, you should come with us!" Ashido cheerfully states, the rest of the crowd standing behind her waiting. I hesitate for a second but smile and nod. Suddenly we hear a door gently open. Looking up we see Midoriya, holding his arm while being lost in thought. I frown seeing the sling and wrappings, as well as the little bandage on his cheek,
'Wow, thats worse than I thought. Recovery girl couldn't fix it all at once...'
He looks up upon noticing all of us and a look of complete shock overtakes his features. Ashido, Sato, Kirishima, Sero, and Anyama all huddle around the boy commencing him on his performance and ability to go toe to toe with Bakugou. I stand off to the side smiling at the interaction but not really sure how to insert myself. Midoriya see's me standing kind of outside the group and slowly walks closer to me, "Fugiwara-San! How did you do? You had to to a different exercise right?"
"U- umm I- It I" I miserably try to stutter out, "She was amazing! I didn't have chance to land a single blow!" Kirishima speaks up from the side. I blush at his praise unsure how to take it, my hands begin to fidget with the straps on my bag.
"Really? Wow that's so cool Fugiwara-San! I wish I could have seen it!" Midoriya gushes and I awkwardly shift on my feet. Just then Uraraka and Kaminari walk in holding several stacks of books. Uraraka sees Midoriya and swiftly runs over, checking over his injuries.
'Aw she's so concerned.... I wonder..?'
They begin to talk, effectively saving me from my awkward interaction and I sigh in relief. "Ah Uraraka-San more importantly, where is Kacchan?" The room goes silent and the brown haired girls face slightly falls, "We all tried to stop him, but he just got up and walked out without another word." Thats all it takes for Midoriya to dash towards the exit, obviously to follow Bakugou. Some of the girls are curious about the interaction between the two boys and head for the balcony. Jirou, Tokiyomi, and Ojiro all sit off to the side of the room and I decide to walk over to say my goodbyes.
'This is a good step! Classmates say goodbye to others all the time'
Just as I walk up and go to wave, Tokiyomi cuts me off, "Oi, what did All Might mean, are you Aizawa's niece?"
My blood runs cold and my face loses all color while I stand frozen my hand mid wave. "Oh yeah! I was gonna ask you about that!" Jirou speaks up next and I start to sweat listening to their blunt questions. Before I can get a word in, Kaminari and Kirishima walk up upon hearing the others, and suddenly I'm surrounded by inquisitive teens. My head starts to spin as I shake and stutter trying to focus on one question at a time. Just then the deafening blow is delt... The door opens and in walks Aizawa himself....
'Is this hell? Am I dead? I want to die.....'
"Oh...... you're all still here?" He's so unbearably nonchalant he doesn't even feel the energy in the room. "Ya Mizu its time to go. Grab you're stuff... I'm tired." I stand there frozen in complete mortification, my face frozen in complete terror. Everyone else stands with looks of complete shock, and I mechanically grab my bag and slowly walk to the door. I turn and bow stiffly, "Goodbye...."
"Good work today. Be ready for tomorrow. Go home." With the last sentence he drags me out by school jacket and closes the door.

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