Do You Hear What I Hear?

Start from the beginning

"I was handing in my budget to the Chief of the Eyecare Department. Her office is in this section of the hospital since she's not only an Ophthalmologist, but she is also an Ear, Nose and Throat surgeon. You double board-certified surgeons scare me. Isn't being the best at one discipline enough for you people? No... some of you need to excel in multiple disciplines, not just one!"

Renee smirked and stretched her foot out to softly nudge my right, lower leg. She was "attempting" to mock me for being double board-certified myself.

"Funny Dr. Schafer, very funny. Hey, while I have you here, are you sure I can't help you crack the Dungeness crabs for Christmas Eve dinner? Eight of them will definitely keep you more than busy!

"Actually, I placed the order for twelve, just in case any last minute guests wanted to join. And, it will give me something to do on the 24th. Aria and I are making a day of it. We're going to have an indulgent breakfast, watch some Christmas movies and crack the fresh crabs. We're actually looking forward to the time together."

"You two are disgustingly cute, do you know that? Well, if you're sure you don't need any help, I'm thrilled to take you up on your generous offer. Thanks Renee, it's nice to have something go my way this week."

"Oh Arizona, I'm happiest when I can contribute to an event, you know that about me." I noticed as we sat there for a couple seconds that Renee's relaxed smile made me feel at peace. Even though her smile only lasted a few moments, it's familiarity was comforting.

"Yes, I think it's safe to say that I do have a bit of knowledge about you, Renee! Speaking of which, what did you really come here to say to me? I know you have more to discuss than Christmas meal plans or our department's budgets."

"Okay, so clearly you know I dropped by to see how you're doing in regard to Teddy."

"I figured as much. Renee, have you talked to her? What has she told you? I'm not going to put you in the middle of this, but I want you to know my thoughts."

"Well, Arizona, Teddy hasn't said a whole lot to me. In fact, she's been keeping to herself this last week. We ended up having coffee yesterday and that's when I found out about what's been happening."

"Great. I'm sure she inaccurately painted Callie and I as the reason her love life is so screwed up."

"Actually, she didn't say anything about her love life, Arizona. She did say she hadn't talked to you recently which immediately made me see red flags since I know you two normally talk every day. Teddy also said things had gotten complicated with her relationships and that she needed some time off and away from everyone and everything."

"Renee, what did she mean by that?"

"I'm not quite sure, but it sounded like she wanted to take a remote vacation for an extended period of time. She wouldn't elaborate further, but she seemed serious about her idea. I assume this is stemming from the incident with Becca at your Christmas soirée?"

"I assume it's definitely playing a role in whatever mindset Teddy is in. She blames Callie and I for the incident and hasn't talked to us in over a week. I've never gone this long without talking to her. I'm incredibly worried that she's written us off, for good. I don't want to get you involved, but felt I should mention that fact."

"Wait a minute... Teddy blames you for Becca's outburst? I like Becca, but she strikes me as someone that's frequently prone to outbursts. She is usually the first person in any group to either have the first or the last word, on any given topic. How is that your fault Becca generally doesn't have a filter? Has Teddy lost it? That woman has strung Teddy along for almost half a year and Teddy had the nerve to blame you two chuckleheads for her relationship issues with Becca?"

The Aftermath of Callie and Arizona - Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now