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Seniors sent most of them to hotel assuring that Virat is fine.
All of them left with heavy heart.

Rohit was on call for a long time while Jassi and Rahul Bhai was with Virat.

Virat- where's Rohit.

Rahul bhai- on call with ur Mahi bhai. He's trying really hard to convince Mahi to not come here.

Though Virat was dying to see his Mahi bhai, he knew Mahi Bhai was busy with his brother in law's wedding which was this week and dint want to bother him.

Virat- You can tell Mahi bhai. I'm alright now.  Bhabhi and the family will need him there. He should be there.

Rahul bhai- that's the reason why we r trying to convince him. Or else do u think we wud dare to do that?

Jassi- exactly! Who will dare to stopMahi Bhai from seeing his Cheeku.? Not even Cheeku can do that.

Hearing this brought a wide smile on Virats face.

Smile after a long while.

"Exactly...... Even his Ro can't convince Mahi bhai..from seeing his Cheeku." Said Rohit entering the room visibly tired convincing a stubborn MSD.

"So he's coming?"asked Virat excited not being able to hide the emotion anymore.

" Is that even a question Vi. Don't act like a fool now please " said Rohit

Virat just pouted to it...

They were finally happy to share few light-hearted moments and see Virat little happy.

Thats when they heard some noise outside.

From the room, it looked like someone was trying to enter, fighting with the staffs, as the door was almost opaque.

"Did media come to know?" Asked Rahul Bhai.

Jassi- let me check what's happening. You all wait here.

Jassi opened the door to see KL creating a ruckus outside. He actually couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Jassi goes there and takes KL away from there... Apologising to the staffs.

"Have you gone mad or what?!.....this is a public place and there are eyes watching us....what if this becomes some kinda news " asked Jassi.

Kl just made Jassi leave his hand.

" Who are they to stop me from going to Virat?" Asked KL again stumbling towards the door.

Jassi tried, but everything was not in his control anymore.

Rohit came out too..and was trying to control KL.

"Look sir, he's drunk, how can we let him inside" said one of the security.

"Really sorry for this. Please excuse us and don't let this spread to anyone. He's just a bit depressed about the loss and and worried about Virats health " pleaded Rohit pulling Kl to the chair.

Kl- "Leave me Rohit.... I want to see him.."

Rohit made him sit and tried to explain peacefully.

"Look KL, you are not in a condition to meet Virat now and they won't allow you in this state and above all that how will Virat feel if he sees u like this"asked Rohit with utmost patience.

"I don't want to hear anything Rohit. I just want to be with Virat now."said KL sternly getting up from the chair.

Noise was actually getting high with the argument KL was having with the staffs, Jassi and Ro who were stopping him from going inside.

The Broken Soul - KL Rahul FF Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang