04 | Date night story

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"So tell me, best friend, how was your date with your prince charming last Friday? " I asked my best friend, sitting down on my bed and holding a cup of warm tea. Chloe was sitting down on hers holding a bag of her favorite snack Cheez-It. "Don't you dare to leave any details out I want to hear all."

Chloe and I spent our entire weekend at Tyler and Nick's house and didn't return to our dorm room until the boys had dropped us off for about twenty minutes. Chloe, the boys, and I had a fun time enjoying each other's company. As much as I love sleeping on Tyler's bed next to him. Nothing feels the same as sleeping on my own comfortable bed. I know for a fact that Chloe and I will be seeing the boys again tomorrow around the college's campus.

"Samatha, I will share with you everything that my boyfriend and I did together on our date night." Chloe told me looking at me leaning her back against her pillow and eating more chips out of the bag. "When I am done sharing everything with you. Then my best friend, you need what you and Tyler did. If I recall you and him were the only ones at the house." Chloe told me, giving a pointed look.

"You have yourself a deal, my best friend." I said, taking a sip out from my cup and reaching for my blanket placing it over my legs looking back at my best friend. "Chloe, you're correct Tyler and I had the house for ourselves which was peaceful and nice."

"Samantha, I hope you are comfortable and ready to listen to my story." Chloe told me placing her snack bag down on her nightstand and returning to look at me. "Let me start at the beginning. Nick drove to the college's campus on the day that he didn't have any classes. He waited for me to come out from my last class of the day. A couple of minutes after my class had ended I met up with my boyfriend to find him a small bag containing my favorite snack and drink because he knows how hungry I get at the end of my classes. I thanked him before kissing him."

Chloe stopped talking for a brief moment to take a breather before she was ready to resume speaking. "Nick drove us to the first destination of our date night. The first destination was our favorite restaurant. My boyfriend and I enjoyed a nice early dinner enjoying each other's company while we talked about our day. After we finished eating our dinner, Nick, the gentleman that you know he is ended up paying for our meal before we left the restaurant. The second destination of our date night we went to a movie theater to watch a movie that the two of us wanted to watch in the company of each other. Nick and I ended up loving the movie. Samantha you need to watch it, maybe you and Tyler can watch the movie together." Chloe gave me a pointed look.

"Sorry to interrupt but that sounds like a good idea Chloe I will need to bring it up to Tyler. Please resume telling your story. I am excited to hear how the story of your date night ends." I told her carefully, placing my cup down on my nightstand. As Chlow was sharing how her date night with Nick her smile grew wider the more she talked. I could tell she was head over heels in love with Nick.

"Samantha it's okay you are fine! Samatha, if you and Tyler ended up watching the movie please share your thoughts with me. I would love to hear what you thought." Chloe told me, showing me a soft smile. To return to finishing my story, to end the night of our date Nick took me to a bookstore and brought me all the books that I wanted which was a nice thing for him to do. I believe we spent almost an hour at the bookstore. After we left the bookstore Nick drove us to his house and you know how the rest of the night went. Overall, I had an amazing time spending the remainder of Friday with my boyfriend and I know he had an amazing time as well."

"Wow Chloe your date night sounds amazing, Nick is a good boyfriend you can see it and he truly spoiled you. He brought you all the books that you wanted. I feel bad for his poor bank account. I am not going to lie, I am a tiny bit jealous of that. Nick is such a man who came out straight out of a book. I am glad to hear that you had an amazing time and that you loved the date night. Chloe, you deserve to be treated like a princess and I am thankful that Nick is treating you like you deserve. Him and you are blessed to have each other. I can't wait to see what your future with him ends up being like." I told my best friend, staring at her smiling brightly from side to side.

My best friend while I was talking focused all of her attention on me wanting to hear about what I thought she ended up smiling widely by the same time I finished speaking.

"My date night was truly magical, I love all the places that Nick took me. I know that he planned everything perfectly; he must have planned it ahead of time. When we were in the bookstore I told him that I didn't want to waste a lot of his money buying me all of the books that I wanted. His response made me fall in love with him even more. He said that my happiness and how excited I get whenever I have new books are more important than money. I am very lucky to have found a young man like him. I am so in love with him just like the first time I landed my eyes on him. He makes me feel so loved and happy. I hope that one day you find a young man who loves you makes you happy, and treats you like you deserve." Chloe shared with me still looking at me having an even wider smile on her lips. "Now Samantha, tell me what you and Tyler did. I am dying to hear all of it."


I walked out of my classroom setting my foot down on the ground of the hallway along with the other students and professors walking out of their classroom. As I headed towards the exit of the building I made sure not to bump into anyone feeling my phone vibrating on my hand.

Stepping outside I was greeted by the breeze of Denver Colorado making my hair dance along with the wind. I sat down on a cemented bench under the shade of a tree. I looked down at my phone and saw an unread message from my best friend.

Bestie🦄: Hey roomie, when your class is over please meet me outside of building C.

Me: Hello, bestie my class just ended, I am making my way to you, see you soon!

I am thankful that my university has the buildings where we students take our class at a walking distance. The building I had just walked out of seconds prior was near the building where Chloe was waiting for me. After sending my response to Chloe I stood up off the bench adjusting my backpack over my shoulders as I started heading towards building C to reunite with my best friend.

It wasn't long before I walked onto the floors of building C, a wide smile appeared on my lips when I saw my best friend standing with her back against a wall holding a book in her hands.

"Hello my best friend, are you ready to eat lunch?" I asked my best friend making my way towards her.

I saw my best friend's head moving towards me at the sound of my voice. A smile appeared on her features and her hazel eyes lighted up when she saw standing meters away from her.

"Hey, Samantha, yes I am ready to eat lunch with you." My best friend greeted me, giving me a soft and quick hug. "However, today you and I aren't eating lunch in the cafeteria like we always do."

"Chloe then where will we be eating our lunch today?" I asked her, wearing a curious expression written on my face pulling away from each other and breaking our hug.

"I will gladly tell you my best friend. They bought two boxes of pizza from Pizza Hut. My boyfriend texted me asking me if you and I would like to join them." Chloe responded to my question by lopping an arm around mine. "Samantha, are you in?"

"Eating pizza from Pizza Hut sounds good not going to lie." I told my best friend as the two of us began walking leaving the building behind us. "Yes, I am my best friend, lead the way. We don't want to keep Tyler and Nick waiting."

"Samantha, why are you in such a hurry to arrive at our destination?" Chloe asked me, giving me a knowing pointed look. "I wonder if it's because you want to see Tyler again? I have a feeling that I am right."

"My best friend, you are correct I want to see him, I am not going to try and deny it because you know me like the back of my hand." I responded to my best friend's question playfully rolling my eyes at her. "I know for a fact that you desperately want to see your prince charming."

As Chloe and I walked further into the university's campus reaching closer to our destination. I quickly spotted two familiar silhouettes standing near a blanket that was placed down on the grass. In the middle of the blanket, there are two pizza boxes next to a small fridge in the small distance between Chloe and me.

"Well, you can't blame me. I haven't seen my boyfriend since last night when Nick and Tyler dropped us off at our dorm room building." Chloe commented, smiling brightly, seeing the boys as we walked closer to them.

"Good day boys, Chloe and I have arrived. Thank you for inviting us to eat pizza with you guys." I announced our arrival directly looking into Tyler's eyes and smirking.

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