Chapter 1

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Hazel Baggins made her way back home from her hike in the woods, twigs and leaves all in her ginger curls. She usually spent most of her time in the woods, making up adventures for herself to keep her entertained. It was quite unusual for a Hobbit to be anything but peaceful, unless you were related to the famous Took, which both her and her brother were. They both looked alike, with the same ginger curls and bright blue eyes. Except her feet were rather small for a hobbit, but no less hairy. As for personality, the two were polar opposites. Hazel was exactly like the famous Took, longing for adventure and having a sassy attitude. Meanwhile Bilbo was rather peaceful and content with his life in the Shire. But despite being totally different, the two were rather close.

"Bilbo! I'm home!" Hazel called as she entered their cozy house, the smell of dinner wafting through the air and...what was that other smell?

"Hazel! Thank goodness!" Bilbo exclaimed, running towards her. "Is this some kind of joke?"

She looked at him with confusion, yes she was known all around the Shire for her pranks, but she had no memory of any recent ones. "What's some kind of joke?" She asked.

He grabbed her by the hand and dragged her into the kitchen, revealing a dwarf eating both their dinners. "That."

She quickly shook her head. "No, I've never even met a dwarf." She replied, getting a strange feeling that something was about to happen, and something big. Excitement started to fill her stomach as someone knocked on the door.

They both ran to the door and he opened it to reveal an old looking dwarf. "Balin, at your service." He said with a bow, then entered.

"Um, Bilbo and Hazel at yours." Bilbo replied, stuttering slightly as the dwarf entered and was immediately greeted by the one who had just finished the Hobbit's dinner. Suddenly, another knock was heard.

"I'll get it!" Hazel called, running to the door as Bilbo tried talking to the two dwarves, but failing.

She opened the door to find two more dwarves there, one was blonde and had a mustache, the other had brown hair and a stubble.

"Fili." The blonde one said.

"And Kili." The other one finished. "At your service." They both said with a bow. "You must be Miss Boggins!" Kili said happily.

"Yep, that's me!" She replied, not even bothering to correct him. She liked him already.

"Nope! No!" Bilbo called. "Whatever dwarf gathering you all are having is not going to happen inside my home!" He tried to close the door but Kili stopped him. "Has it been cancelled?"

"What? No, nothings been cancelled-"

"That's a relief." Kili breathed, making his way inside.

"Careful with these." Fili said, handing poor Bilbo some swords. "I just had em' sharpened."

Hazel couldn't help but laugh at what was happening.

"This is not funny!" Bilbo snapped,

"Yes it is!" She replied, going to the dining room to help set up the feast they were preparing.

"Don't help them!"

Just then there was yet another knock at the door.

"Can you get that, Bilbo?" She asked, pouring everyone some ale.

He grumbled as he walked to the door and opened it only for seven more dwarves to fall onto the threshold, and for a tall wizard to peak his head in.

"Gandalf." Bilbo sighed.

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