the future is the past

21 1 0

??? .s s.e.ce ba.e w. A.e

???-who is attacking


???-damn it

???-what happend alex

Alex-sience base is destroyed

???-wait how?!

Alex-I know one... the siren Revolution

???-damn this sirens shit

???-shut the fuck up jhon you know I am a siren too

Jhon-sorry frey

Frey-its okay... wait Alex how is the USS RECONANCE doing?

Jhon-yeah where is the ship hidden?

Alex-its in azur lane

???-who's gonna man the ship?

Frey-I agree too Ronald

Jhon-is it a kansen?
Alex-yes a male kansen


Ron-so uh where is the kansen?

Frey-yeah where is it

???-I am gonna be da kansen

(All looks at the person who said it)

Jhon-who are you?

???-general jin at your service

Frey-oh your the new one with new recruits

Alex-yes he is. now meeting dismissed

All-hai! (Salute)

Alex-jin come to the dock yard

Jin-yes sir

(At the docks)

Science test1-sir the RECONANCE is ready

Alex-ok... now jin your are going to be a civilian and watch the sirens do there massacre

Jin- hai!

6 years later

Jin is now a commander

At space port

???- so I'm i gonna get a retrofit to be a SB

(SB-Space Battleship)

Captain 1- yes miss yama

Yama- i won't be seeing my mom and papa?

Alex- you can still see them after the missions

Yama- who are you?

Alex- I am Alex leader of the chaos and blood legion

Captain2- wait general you are the leader of the chaos legion was it tank?

Alex- oh sorry second command of the chaos legion

Yama- but my father and mother
After the death of jin
It's now 2199.

To be continued

The reborn of siren union and jin

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